Monday, September 07, 2009

Activists Topple Towers, Claim Dangers of AM Radio Waves -

I understand wanting to help the planet, but aren't there other battles to be fought to protect the planet instead of going after AM towers?

What about the cancer cells in the vaccines? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch? The genetically modified seeds and foods? The Alaskan blob? Or the depletion of rare earth metals from the production of hybrid vehicles?

The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) issued a statement saying opponents of the towers argue that "AM radio waves cause adverse health effects including a higher rate of cancer, harm to wildlife, and that the signals have been interfering with home phone and intercom lines."

"When all legal channels of opposition have been exhausted, concerned citizens have to take action into their own hands to protect life and the planet," Jason Crawford, a spokesman for the group, said in a news release.

Activists topple towers, claim dangers of AM radio waves -

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