Thursday, November 12, 2009

Researchers Say Killer Dolphins are Causing Porpoise Deaths in California Seas

Dolphins always seem so friendly on television. I remember loving ol' Flipper back in the day. I guess like every other wild animal, the dolphin has a nasty side. In fact, dolphins have a nasty killer side. If you want to watch video of these killer dolphins in action, click below, but please be warned that the video contains graphic images of aquatic mammalian violence that may be considered offensive by some.

For the past five years, the growing number of dead harbor porpoises washing up on California shores has been a marine mystery -- until now.

In September, marine biologists with Okeanis, a nonprofit conservation group based in Moss Landing, captured the only video footage taken in Monterey Bay of bottlenose dolphins attacking and killing a porpoise...

Here's video of killer dolphins attacking a porpoise.

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel

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