Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grasshopper Infestation Swarm Could Destroy Western USA Crops

This sounds like a story from the Bible or other epic as farmers in the Western USA are expecting an imminent confrontation with grasshoppers expected to ravage crops. Let's hope and pray that these grasshoppers don't destroy too many food crops.

Farmers and ranchers across the West are bracing for a grasshopper infestation that could devastate millions of acres of crops and land used for grazing.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Image Source: Paul Anderson (Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License)


Margarethe Brummermann said...

Your photo shows a Differential Grasshopper. this species does not swarm

The Moderator said...

That was the only grasshopper photograph that I had on file at the time. Thanks for that information. I will update the site accordingly.

The Moderator said...

This fact sheet on differential grasshoppers says, "A dense swarm will destroy a young cornfield in just three or four days."