Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Federal Stimulus Dollars Used to Install Orwellian Proximity Card Readers to Track Student Attendance at Northern Arizona University

Why is the government spending $75,000 in stimulus dollars at Northern Arizona for this ridiculous track, trace and database system? It has been a long time since I was haunting the halls of various universities, but I haven't forgotten the supposed freedoms of my college years. Nevertheless, this is no way to treat young adults. However, they always say that college is the lab where the system prepares youth for government and/or corporate labor and service. College gets all the new technology first, so you can bet that you will soon see systems like this at your local job to ensure you are at your workstation at the proper time.

Northern Arizona University will install an electronic system that detects when each student with an ID card walks through the door to some large classrooms. The system will produce an attendance report for the instructor...

This fall, the university plans to begin equipping classrooms on the Flagstaff campus with technology that will "read" a student's ID when he or she enters the classroom. The readers are so sensitive that students won't even have to take their IDs out of their pockets, said David Bousquet, NAU's vice president of enrollment management and student affairs.

The card readers, estimated to cost a total of $75,000 and paid for by federal stimulus funds, will be phased in. Eventually, Bousquet wants to install card readers in all classrooms that seat 50 or more students. Each faculty member could decide whether to use the system.

Arizona Central

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