Example of complex machinery afflicted with rust. No word on whether the U.S. Navy has transforming, intelligent robots in its arsenal.
I didn't realize that rust was such a major issue that it needed its own special conference. For anyone who is in Norfolk, Virginia in early June, you should see if the event is open to the public. I cannot tell from the site that would be selling the tickets if it is open to the public. You can always call the venue at the number listed on that site.

Mega Rust is an annual event that began in June 2005 and rotates among several locations to reach a broader audience and to best meet the needs of the U.S. Navy. Mega Rust combines five annual meetings and conferences:
- U.S. Navy and Industry Corrosion Technology Exchange, "Rust" Conference
- Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command's Fleet Corrosion Control Forum
- Naval Shipyard Coatings Group Meeting
- USCG Coatings & Corrosion Control Tiger Team Meeting
- U.S. Navy Submarine Preservation Conference
This conference brings together government, military, owners, operators, shipyards, research facilities, and coatings manufacturers and suppliers to discuss issues pertinent to the preservation industry.
- Present the Fleet and industry's needs in areas of preservation
- Highlight new and innovative preservation technologies/methods, successful applications of new products, research and development, preservation of materials, environmentally compliant processes, and lessons learned
- Develop and maintain an infrastructure to provide essential feedback loops between the Fleet and industry that will facilitate the transfer of technologies presently available
- Focus on partnership opportunities between the Fleet and industry
- Provide training opportunities to Fleet and industry
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