Saturday, August 26, 2006


While he is controversial and has a lot of people against him, I predict that Mayor Herenton will win it again in 2007, but there will be complete chaos for the open mayor's seat in 2011.

Nevertheless, who has the best chance of beating Willie Herenton in 2007?


Anonymous said...

Depends on how the potential players play their hands between now and then.

How you gonna play yours, Joe?

And when we gonna have our chat?

Anonymous said...

I'm still not back in the city yet. I ended up working a contract gig on a patent litigation case for Charles Schwab in L.A. that will be going for another 2-3 weeks. As soon as that wraps up, I'll be back in Memphis.

Steve Steffens said...


Thank you for your support of Steve...

I look forward to talking to you when you get back!


Anonymous said...

Thanks LWC. I am supporting Cohen, because (1) he is best candidate in November's race, and (2) he won the Democratic primary. Unless something crazy or unexpected happens, then I feel he will win November's race quite comfortably.

Anonymous said...

You have my continued respect and friendship.Steve Cohen

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Myron Lowery and Rickey Peete might run in 2007.