Remixxing the mainstream news one blog post at a time from the shores of Venice Beach. News, politics & conspiracy theories about world issues. All posts are opinions meant to foster comment, reporting, teaching & study under the "fair use doctrine" in Sec. 107 of U.S. Code Title 17. No statement of fact is made or should be implied. Ads appearing on this blog are solely the product of and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Remixx World!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Marine Veteran Lays the Smackdown on Rep. Brian Baird at WA Town Hall (Semper Fi)!
World Health Organization Predicts Explosion of H1N1 "Swine" Flu Cases!
The global spread of swine flu will endanger more lives as it speeds up in the coming months and governments must boost preparations for a swift response to a coming "explosion" of cases, the World Health Organization said Friday.
Many countries could see swine flu cases double every three to four days for several months until peak transmission is reached, once cold weather returns to the northern hemisphere, said WHO's Western Pacific director, Shin Young-soo.
FDIC is Officially Out of Money (Insurance Fund Has Negative Balance of $5.5 Billion)!
The surge in failures prompted the agency to charge the industry an emergency fee in the second quarter to raise $5.6 billion to replenish its insurance fund, which fell to $10.4 billion as of June 30 from $13 billion in the previous quarter, the agency said.
Source: Bloomberg
***UPDATE (August 27, 2009). The FDIC says that it has $10.4 billion in the insurance fund as of June 30, 2009, which obviously contradicts the data I previously posted below where I said the FDIC was out of money. Allegedly, the FDIC was able to raise $5.6 billion in emergency fees from the industry to stay afloat. Therefore, I have revised the numbers and the below spreadsheet to reflect these new numbers and based on the FDIC's new numbers, the FDIC insurance fund is not yet out of money. I guess we will have to wait until the 3rd quarterly report.
FDIC Failed Banks Insurance Fund Balance ($5.5B Negative Balance as August 21, 2009)
In other words, the FDIC does not have the money to cover any future bank closings. Are you worried? Fortunately, I do not have much money in the bank, but if I did, then I would be taking it out and buying gold or silver.
How was this negative $5.5B figure calculated? Each time that a bank closes the FDIC issues a press release on its failed bank page with the specific bank details along with the insurance fund cost of that particular bank failure (click this sentence to see an example press release for the BankUnited closing back in May, 2009). If you do not trust my numbers, you can look up the associated cost for every bank that has failed since March 31 using the FDIC-provided numbers and subtract these costs from the FDIC insurance balance.
As of March 31, 2009, the FDIC insurance fund had a balance for $13B. I drafted up a spreadsheet (attached above) that includes each bank that has failed since March 31, 2009 along with its applicable charge against the FDIC insurance fund and the insurance fund's running balance.
If you review the spreadsheet, you will see that the insurance fund balance went negative after the Colonial closing.
Why is this not on the news? Is this going to be the information that leads to a U.S. bank holiday next week or in the near future? Something will need to be done, because otherwise there may be an imminent run on the banks.
Source: FDIC
Friday, August 21, 2009
Inside a Predator Drone Attack (Real Life Military Video Games)
For one, it's amazing the control and detailed view available to the "pilot" and "sensor." It just blows me away that two people can control several drones from an air conditioned trailer 2,000 miles away -- or 100 miles away. The ability for the operators to distinguish targets, coordinate with controllers in theater and speak with spotters on the ground is just surreal and a real testament to America's technical capabilities and adaptation.
Of course, the video is also creepy in the almost clinical way in which the pilot and sensor deliver their lethal blow. Calm, collected -- and totally detached from any impact of what they've done.
Source: Defense Tech
Special Update: Major Regional Bank Failure Looming? (Guaranty?)
I've heard from a pretty reliable source that a major regional bank with more than 100 locations is under FDIC control control as of this hour and they will likely be announced by FDIC after the market close today. Not certain and not verified, but I Guaranty this will be interesting. Are there more? Click the FDIC site later on today....after the close.
Further, it was reported in The Dallas Morning News yetserday that a Spanish bank giant may be purchasing Guaranty's assets.
Spanish banking giant Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA appears to have won the bidding for the assets of Guaranty Bank, the hobbled Texas lender, according to reports Wednesday by Bloomberg News and The Wall Street Journal.
If Guaranty fails, it will be the 2nd largest bank failure this year behind Colonial Bank.
Source: UrbanSurvival; Dallas Morning News
Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession (Is the USA Next?)

The law sets out maximum “personal use” amounts for drugs, also including LSD and methamphetamine. People detained with those quantities will no longer face criminal prosecution; the law goes into effect on Friday.
Anyone caught with drug amounts under the personal-use limit will be encouraged to seek treatment, and for those caught a third time treatment is mandatory — although no penalties for noncompliance are specified.
Since the United States is arguably one part of the North American Union, will the U.S. soon follow the lead of its southern neighbor? If it was up to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Congress would not have the authority to regulate the local cultivation, possession and consumption of marijuana (see below image).

Source: New York Times
Image Source: Felix Rhdl
U.S. Healthcare for American Indians: "Don't Get Sick After June" (Do You Still Believe Obamacare Will Work for the Nation?)
More Evidence That the FDIC is Almost Broke? (Needs Private Equity to Buy Failing Banks)
Basically, the FDIC is saying that it is out of money!
This should not be a surprise, because Shelia Bair said back in March that the FDIC would be out of money before the end of the year. If the FDIC runs out of money, you will likely see a HUGE run on the banks which would necessitate a bank holiday, because the banks would not have enough cash on hand to cover its customers' deposits.
Federal regulators are planning next week to make it easier for private equity firms to buy insolvent lenders, according to people briefed on the situation, a move that would reduce the number of failed banks that the fund would have to support...
For the F.D.I.C., led by Sheila C. Bair, it is critically important to keep the insurance fund full because confidence in the banking system depends in part on depositors knowing they will get their money back...
Analysts are increasingly concerned the fund could be wiped out if more bank failures drained the money the agency has set aside to cover them. That could require the F.D.I.C. to tap a multibillion-dollar lifeline from taxpayers, through an emergency borrowing program run by the Treasury Department, to finance loan sales and other short-term obligations.
Source: New York Times
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Is the Globalist N.W.O. Setting Up Boston for a False Flag Terrorist Attack?
Why, you may ask? It mainly relates to the various connections between Boston, PTech, 9/11, Special Agent Warren Bamford and Mayor Tom Menino.
1. PTech was based in Boston. PTech was founded by persons with connections to Al-Qaeda, and the company's software gave it back doors to override government computers and systems. These back doors could have been used to make NORAD and the FAA stand down on 9/11 as has been alleged by Indira Singh and Michael Ruppert in "Crossing the Rubicon."
2. There was a big arrest of PTech executives by the F.B.I. in July, 2009 that received NO COVERAGE from the mainstream media aside from The Boston Herald. It was the first real mention of PTech since around 2002 and one of the first biggest arrests to date of a real 9/11 terrorist. The current article is archived by The Boston Herald, but here is the FBI press release relating to this arrest.
3. Now, Warren Bamford, the F.B.I. agent in charge of the recent PTech arrest, is saying that Boston police need to be armed with semi-automatic assault rifles to protect against a possible terrorist attack similar to the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks. However, Mayor Tom Menino is against the proposal.
Why would Special Agent Bamford issue such a warning? Does he know something that we do not know? Could he be trying to warn Boston about a possible false flag terrorist attack similar to how FBI agents tried to warn people prior to 9/11?
I will update this story as I get more verifiable information!
Source: WCVB-TV 5; Prison Planet Forums ; Wicked Local Somerville
What Ingredients are in the H1N1 "Swine Flu" Vaccine? (Yes, Intranasal Contains Live H1N1 Virus)(Updated as of 09/21/2011)

**UPDATE (October 25, 2010) - The 2010 seasonal flu vaccine will include the 2009 H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine. See also: FLASHBACK: H1N1 "Swine Flu" Virus To Be Included in 2010-2011 Seasonal Flu Vaccine. For the FDA official page on the 2010 seasonal flu vaccine, please click here.
**UPDATE: The following link will take you to a spreadsheet that lists some of the main ingredients in the H1N1 vaccine in each country --> the H1N1 "Swine Flu" Vaccine Ingredient List (Spreadsheet)
The FDA has released package inserts for the five (5) approved H1N1 "swine flu" vaccines in the United States of America. You can read this list at H1N1 "Swine Flu" Vaccine Package Inserts (GSK, CSL, Novaris, Sanofi & MedImmune) or by going to the FDA official website and checking the approved product package inserts for GlaxoSmithKline (**approved by FDA on November 10, 2009**), CSL Limited, Novaris Vaccines and Diagnostics Ltd., Sanofi Pasteur Inc. & MedImmune, LLC. The television news program 60 Minutes recently did a report on the H1N1 vaccine, including a visit to Sanofi Pasteur's vaccine production facility showing how the vaccine is made. For a much better version of how the vaccine is made, please watch the video at the end of this article!
But what this 60 Minutes report does not tell you is that the vaccines contain some combination of thimerosal (mercury), gelatin (processed pigskins) and/or formaldehyde, and that Sanofi Pasteur's vaccine was first approved in the year 1980. How is this possible when the H1N1 did not first appear in its current form until 2009?
There have been numerous adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine throughout the world. You can read a compilation of these vaccine reaction articles at Adverse Reactions to the H1N1 "Swine Flu" Vaccine (Numerous Reports).
Also, don't forget that MedImmune's Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Live, Intranasal will contain LIVE H1N1 "SWINE FLU" VIRUS.
Each 0.2 mL dose contains 106.5-7.5 FFU of the LIVE attenuated influenza virus reassortant of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus: A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v.
2. There have been over 350 cases of side effects and five (5) deaths reported in the Kingdom of Sweden as a result of the Pandemrix H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine shot.
3. The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has also given a positive opinion to the Novartis A(H1N1) Pandemic Influenza vaccine Focetria®. This vaccine is hyped by Novartis as containing the MF59® squalene adjuvant. Focetria® is also listed as one of the US666 biodefense stockpile H5N1 avian flu vaccines.
4. Saudi Arabia has ordered 10,000,000 doses of GSK's Pandemrix™ as the Kingdom prepares for the Haj pilgrimage.
The package insert for Celtura is in another language that I am too ignorant to know. I believe the language may be German. Here is an English summary of some of Celtura's ingredients and it will contain the MF59® squalene adjuvant.
Readers who think this Remixx World! author is all over the place with his convoluted, undisciplined writing style can watch this video by We Are Change Los Angeles that interviews people who are about to receive the H1N1 vaccination and lists many of the vaccine ingredients in the end credits or you can read an article called Special Report: Is a vaccine an answer to swine flue (sp)? from the Planet News in Jackson Hole, Wyoming by Jake Nichols. Nichols summarizes this whole swine flu pandemic in a much better literary way than I ever could, so check it out. Quoted below is one (1) paragraph from the Nichols article describing how the H1N1 "swine flu" vaccines are made.
The shot form of vaccine is made by growing the virus in chicken eggs. New research is currently being explored that will use canine [dog] kidney cells, insect eggs, and human retina cells (possibly from aborted fetal tissues?). In 2005, the Bush administration allocated more than $7 billion to pharmaceutical companies for the production of these ‘cell line’ factories. The virus is rendered inert by either the addition of formalin (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde) or by exposure to UV rays. The current swine flu vaccine used both methods to deactivate the virus...
Many pregnant women are reporting miscarriages soon after receiving the H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine (read the comments). Could the toxic ingredients in this vaccine be causing these women to lose their babies?
For a full summary of all the H1N1 swine flu articles and resources, click this sentence.
***Original Article Begins Here***
Since that time, governments started setting up experimental programs throughout the United States and worldwide, despite the fact that experimental vaccines are killing people. The W.H.O. declared a worldwide Phase 6 pandemic in June, which is the highest possible phase. The U.S. government then said it would have a vaccine ready by October to inoculate the masses, despite the obvious risks from experimental vaccines. Further, the vaccine makers have been given immunity, so if the vaccine kills or disables you, tough luck!
Check the ingredients in this H1N1 vaccine, and you will see that it will contain many of the same ingredients such as squalene, thimerosal (a/k/a mercury) and cancer cells from animals that have all negatively affected thousands with toxic ingredients in the past vaccines. Mercury destroys brain cells like a nuclear bomb going off in a populated city. Squalene is not much better, because it causes autoimmune diseases that permanently cripple and kill people. Vaccines used in trials by Novartis contain MF59®, a squalene adjuvant.
The original article "What's in the Flu Shot?" from the Lake County Bee has been archived. You can try to retrieve the article by clicking this sentence.
However, there are many reputable doctors who say vaccines simply do not work, period. In fact, historically there are many instances of massive outbreaks of disease after mass vaccinations and there are many more health problems that occur commonly than simply getting the disease vaccinated against. Some of these problems are serious, even deadly. It is becoming common knowledge, for example, that the current wave of autism in America is directly linked to vaccinations that contain thimerisol, a form of mercury.
And high-dose mercury is not the only additive in the new flu vaccinations. Besides injecting live flu virus directly into yours and your child's body, these shots will also contain "adjuvants," to make the virus supply for the shots go farther. One of the adjuvants will probably be "squalene." This is a naturally occurring substance found throughout the human body, and might be harmless if you drank it. But when it is injected, several of the doctors in the references below, believe it will cause the body to produce antibodies which will produce autoimmune diseases in many and compromise their quality of life permanently, and they believe many will die. This is in addition to spreading the very pandemic that has been predicted, not from getting the virus naturally, but from getting the virus by direct injection. That, in turn, will give the government a perfect excuse for measures that WHO mandates in their procedures, including incarceration for anyone attempting to refuse the shots (probably three per person), and the use of deadly force, if necessary.
***End of Original Article***
UPDATE (September 11, 2009): If this experimental H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine is like the current approved H5N1 bird flu vaccine, then the H1N1 vaccine will also contain formaldehyde and porcine gelatin (a/k/a pig skin).
Here is what the FDA says about the current approved H5N1 bird flu vaccine.
Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, is a clear and slightly opalescent suspension formulated to contain 90 μg hemagglutinin (HA) per 1.0 mL dose of the influenza virus strain A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1, clade 1). Porcine gelatin (500 μg/dose) is added as a stabilizer. Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is added as a preservative. Each 1.0 mL dose is formulated to contain not more than 98.2 μg thimerosal (approximately 50 μg mercury/dose). Each dose may also contain residual amounts of formaldehyde (not more than 200 μg), Polyethylene Glycol p-Isooctylphenyl Ether (not more than 0.05%), and sucrose (not more than 2.0%).
The National Organic Standards Board Technical Advisory Panel Review, Compiled by Organic Materials Review Institute for the USDA National Organic Program had this to say about the pork gelatin or porcine gelatin that is included in this bird flu vaccine.
Acid Pretreatment Process or Porcine Gelatin (Type A Gelatin)Acid pretreatment is invariably used for porcine gelatin. Pigskins are first dehaired, usually by a combination of steam, rubber paddles, and flame (Farmer, et al., 1982). The pigskins may then be degreased by various methods, such as centrifuged in a rotating drum heated with steam to temperatures between 60° and 65° C. or approximately 150°-160°F. (Hinterwaldner, 1977a). Petroleum-based solvents such as tetrachloroethylene (TCE) may also be used to degrease animals, but this is less common than steam and mechanical methods because of safety and environmental issues (Norris, 1982). Hydrogen peroxide may be used to remove grease passed through a chopper or macerator to cut the skin into uniform sizes (Keenan, 1994). The skins are then soaked at a pH of 1 to 4 with a food-grade mineral acid such as hydrochloric (HCl), phosphoric (H3PO4), or sulfuric (H2SO4) acid for 8 to 30 hours (Hinterwaldner, 1977b; Keenan, 1994; Cole, 2000; Ledward, 2000). This treatment causes the material to swell to two to three times its pre-treatment volume (Ledward, 2000). The acid-treated pigskins are then washed with water to remove impurities. The skins are then extracted with hot water and the extract is filtered through an anion-cation exchange column to reduce ash or mineral levels. The gelatin extract is vacuum concentrated or ultra filtered to a concentration of between 15 and 35%, filtered, pH adjusted to between 3.5 and 6, evaporated to 50% solids, sterilized at temperatures between 248-303°F. for up to 13 seconds, chilled and extruded into noodles approximately 1/8 inch diameter, dried through a multi zone oven at 158°F., and milled to the specified particle size and packaged (Hinterwaldner, 1977a). Acid pretreatment is sometimes used for beef ossein, but this is relatively uncommon (Rose, 1990).
UPDATE (September 13, 2009): The latest reports from the media state that the H1N1 vaccine will not contain adjuvants -- at least the vaccines used in the studies did not contain adjuvants. However, I do not see any information saying whether the public's vaccine will contain adjuvants.
The vaccines in both studies didn’t use ingredients called adjuvants included by some countries in formulations to boost effectiveness. No serious side effects were reported, though the trials are too small to detect rare conditions. The shots are being studied further and will be closely monitored once vaccination campaigns begin, according to U.S. officials.
Is the removal of adjuvants a result of people's efforts communicating the potential dangers or is this a blatant lie put out to convince people the vaccine is safe? Even if you do decide to take the experimental vaccine or any vaccine whatsoever, ask the doctor to give you a copy of the vaccine's ingredient label and then research each bio-chemical on that label that you will shooting into your bloodstream for all infinity.
UPDATE (September 14, 2009): Vactruth has put up another H1N1 ingredient list. This blog has previously discussed all the mentioned ingredients in the Vactruth story except for nonoxynol-9.
What is nonoxynol-9?
It is an agent used in cleaning products, cosmetics and contraceptives. However, nonoxynol-9 has been shown to increase the risk of HPV cancer infection (See: The impact of the use of COL-1492, a nonoxynol-9 vaginal gel, on the presence of cervical human papillomavirus in female sex workers).
To see where Vactruth was able to determine the H1N1 ingredients, check out the parental consent form that is listed below by someone who registered for the experimental H1N1 "swine flu" vaccination program.
Source: Lake County Record-Bee ; FDA ; Organic Materials Review Institute ; Bloomberg ; Vactruth
Image Source: David Dees
Malaysia Sets Price Controls on Face Masks as H1N1 "Swine Flu" Deaths and Cases Soar!
The Government has set the ceiling prices for various types of surgical masks, which have been declared price-controlled items, with immediate effect.
Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the prices approved by the Cabinet yesterday would ensure that there was no profiteering by the traders from the influenza A(H1N1) pandemic...Ismail said the masks would remain controlled items until the Health Ministry announced that the country was free from the A (H1N1) threat.
Errant traders or suppliers who overcharged could face a fine of up to RM15,000 or a maximum of two years’ jail or both upon conviction under the Price Control Act 1946.
Source: Malaysia Sun ; Natural News
Daily Layoff Tracker (List of Companies Laying Off Workers)
North Carolina Mental Hospital – 75
NC Department of Corrections – 972
Southcoast Hospitals Group – 93
IMP Aerospace Cuts 10% of staff – 30
Luxury Brand Escada Files for Chapter 11
Weekly Jobless Claims Hit 576,000
Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems – 145
Source: Layoff Daily ; U.S. Dept. of Labor
U.S. Government Permission Will Be Required to Travel (Is This Constitutional?)
People need to realize that if you cannot freely travel, then you are a slave! Instead of being free to travel the world, you are limited to a specially defined slave-zone like your city, county or State.
Starting this year, Americans will have to get government approval to travel by air. As Privacy Journal revealed last fall, henceforth "Permission Now Needed to Travel Within U.S." Getting a reservation and checking-in for air travel will soon require Transportation Security Administration authorization. That permission is by no means assured: For example, if your name matches a "no-fly" list, even mistakenly, you can be denied the right to a reserve a seat on a flight. If your name is on a "selectee" list, you and your possessions will be searched more thoroughly before you can board. What is going on here?
All travelers will need government OK in order to board a flight, or take a cruise. What the government can allow one day, it can forbid the next.
How is this Constitutional? Although the Constitution does not contain an explicit right to travel, the right is presumed and firmly established in law and precedent. However, as with everything else in this country the last few years, the government really does not care about the Constitution except when it advances the government and corporate agendas.
As the Supreme Court notes in Saenz v Roe, 98-97 (1999), the Constitution does not contain the word "travel" in any context, let alone an explicit right to travel (except for members of Congress, who are guaranteed the right to travel to and from Congress). The presumed right to travel, however, is firmly established in U.S. law and precedent. In U.S. v Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966), the Court noted, "It is a right that has been firmly established and repeatedly recognized." In fact, in Shapiro v Thompson, 394 U.S. 618 (1969), Justice Stewart noted in a concurring opinion that "it is a right broadly assertable against private interference as well as governmental action. Like the right of association, ... it is a virtually unconditional personal right, guaranteed by the Constitution to us all." It is interesting to note that the Articles of Confederation had an explicit right to travel; it is now thought that the right is so fundamental that the Framers may have thought it unnecessary to include it in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
We Are Change Los Angeles Debunks Alleged Palmdale, CA FEMA Camp!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules That U.S. Government and States Can Require Mandatory Gun Registration Under Second Amendment!
Last year, many 2nd Amendment supporters claimed victory in the Heller D.C. gun ban case where the Supreme Court ruled that the 2nd Amendment confers to an individual the right to firearms. The case essentially eliminated the extremes on each side of the gun issue. While there cannot be a total firearms ban, a government can regulate firearms. Further, the Heller ruling was only applicable to federal zones such as the District of Columbia and the Court did not rule whether the 2nd Amendment is applicable to the States.
Now it appears that this ruling has come home to roost, because the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago (of course!) ruled last week that federal, state or local government can require mandatory firearms registration under the Second Amendment.
The case arose out of the Chicago-area town of Cicero's mandatory registration requirement for firearms. A local man named John Justice was raided by the Cicero police on suspicion of violating business ordinances including improper storage of chemicals; the police discovered six unregistered handguns during the raid.Source: CBS News
Justice...argued in a civil lawsuit that the local ordinance violated the Second Amendment.
In a 3-0 opinion published last Friday, the judges said that this was a different situation from the District of Columbia v. Heller case, which led the Supreme Court to strike down D.C.'s law effectively prohibiting the ownership of handguns.
"There is a critical distinction between the D.C. ordinance struck down in Heller and the Cicero ordinance," the court said in an opinion written by Judge Diane Wood, a Clinton appointee. "Cicero has not prohibited gun possession in the town. Instead, it has merely regulated gun possession under Section 62-260 of its ordinance."
If the court had merely written that the Second Amendment doesn't apply to the states (a concept called incorporation), this would not have been especially newsworthy. After all, a different three-judge panel from the 7th Circuit already has rejected the incorporation argument.
What's unusual -- and makes this case remarkable -- is that Wood went out of her way to say that even if the Second Amendment does apply to states, mandatory gun registration would be perfectly constitutional. "The town does prohibit the registration of some weapons, but there is no suggestion in the complaint or the record that Justice's guns fall within the group that may not be registered," she wrote. "Nor does Heller purport to invalidate any and every regulation on gun use."
The other judges on the panel were William Bauer, a Ford appointee, and John Tinder, a George W. Bush appointee.
Read literally, the Seventh Circuit's decision means that the U.S. Congress could enact a mandatory registration requirement tomorrow -- a law saying that you must report your handguns, rifles, and shotguns to the FBI and ATF or go to prison -- and at least one federal circuit would uphold it as constitutional...
New York Funeral Directors Told 85,000 May Die This Fall From H1N1 "Swine" Flu
It is now being reported that New York is being prepared for the possibility that up to 85,000 people may die this Fall from the "swine flu." If that happens, then it is likely that we will see martial law and mass quarantines of affected populations as Rep. Broun recently said. That is scary!
City officials are bracing for a surge of swine flu cases this fall and funeral home directors need to be prepared to accommodate a possible related 50,000 to 85,000 deaths, the director of the Metropolitan Funeral Directors Association told a gathering of funeral home representatives in Forest Hills last week.
“As funeral directors, we really need to know what we’re about to face,” Martin Kasdan said. “When swine flu comes back, it could possibly be devastating.”
Source: Astoria Times
Cindy Sheehan Says Obama Does Not Represent Much Change (To Lead Anti-War Protest at Martha's Vineyard)
I do not hear the left protesting these war-like activities. Why has the left not demanded that Obama bring the troops home? Why did Obama keep Bush's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates? Has an incoming president ever kept the Secretary of Defense from the previous administration?
The left appears to be waking up, because many are seeing that there is no real change in the Obama administration. In fact, Cindy Sheehan (famous for protesting Bush) is planning an anti-war rally against President Obama's administration. The press release for the event is below. If the left turns against Obama, he will not stand a chance and he will be doomed as a one-term president.
As Byron York observed in the Washington Examiner, "...opposing the war was really about opposing George W. Bush. When Bush disappeared, so did their anti-war passion."Incredibly, Sheehan herself seems to agree. Today, York reported that after reading his column, Sheehan contacted him via email and wrote, in part:
I mostly agree with you. The "anti-war" "left" was used by the Democratic Party. I like to call it the "anti-Republican War" movement.
In a follow up phone call with York, Sheehan added:
"I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that even if they supported Obama, he doesn't represent much change."
Next week, Cindy Sheehan will join other like-minded peace activists to have a presence near the expensive resort on Martha’s Vineyard where President Obama will be vacationing the week of August 23-30.
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From her home in California, Ms. Sheehan released this statement:
“There are several things that we wish to accomplish with this protest on Martha’s Vineyard.
“First of all, no good social or economic change will come about with the continuation or escalation of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We simply can’t afford to continue this tragically expensive foreign policy.
“Secondly, we as a movement need to continue calling for an immediate end to the occupations even when there is a Democrat in the Oval Office. There is still no Noble Cause no matter how we examine the policies.
“Thirdly, the body bags aren’t taking a vacation and as the US led violence surges in Afghanistan and Pakistan, so are the needless deaths on every side.
“And, finally, if the right-wing can force the government to drop any kind of public option or government supported health care, then we need to exert the same kind of pressure to force a speedy end to the occupations.”
Cindy Sheehan will arrive on the Vineyard on Tuesday, August 25th.
For more information, or to request an interview with Cindy Sheehan please contact:
Laurie Dobson
lauriegdobson at yahoo dot com
(207) 604-8988
Bruce Marshall
brmas at yahoo dot com
(802) 767-6079
To donate to help with logistical support, or to help Cindy and other Gold Star Families (families who have lost loved ones in war) get to Martha’s Vineyard please click this link.
Or go to and put in the email:
Mail a check to:
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox, LLC
55 Chumasero Dr STE 5D
San Francisco, Ca 94132
Families who oppose the wars and have lost a loved one during the Obama Regime are especially encouraged to attend.
Please forward this far and wide!
Source: Washington Examiner ; Infowars
Britain Takes Over Turks and Caicos! (Could Canada be Next?)
The U.K. government decided that corruption on the islands had gone too far, and London will assume direct control until it can "restore good governance and sound financial management." Can Britain dissolve the government of other former colonies—like, say, Canada?
The government led by Prime Minister Gordon Brown doesn't have that power, but the Queen might. Unlike Turks and Caicos, which remains an overseas territory of the United Kingdom, Canada has no formal relationship with the British government. Its ties to the United Kingdom have to do with Queen Elizabeth II, who officially serves as queen of England and Canada. (She's also the queen of Australia, Jamaica, Tuvalu, and others.) But these positions are legally distinct, meaning that her job in Canada is neither related to, nor dependent on, her title in England. In fact, she doesn't even venture across the Atlantic to perform her royal duties; rather, she appoints a governor general to swear in the prime minister, summon Parliament into session, provide royal assent to laws, and dissolve Parliament in preparation for elections. Technically speaking, the queen (acting through the governor general) may be able to dissolve the Canadian Parliament unilaterally. However, such an unprecedented act would trigger a historic constitutional crisis.
Source: Slate Magazine
Brzezinski: NATO Needs to Become Hub for Global Security
NATO now confronts historically unprecedented risks to global security. The paradox of our time is that the world, increasingly connected and economically interdependent, is experiencing intensifying popular unrest. Yet there is no effective global security mechanism for coping with the growing threat of chaos stemming from humanity’s recent political awakening.
Additionally complicating is the fact that the dramatic rise of China and India and the quick recovery of Japan within the last 50 years have signaled that the global center of political and economic gravity is shifting away from the North Atlantic toward Asia and the Pacific.
Source: New York Times
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fresh Food & Produce Trucks in Detroit (Not the Ice Cream Man)!
Five days a week, the Peaches & Greens truck winds through the streets as a loudspeaker plays R&B and puts out the call: “Nutritious, delicious. Brought right to you. We have green and red tomatoes, white and sweet potatoes. We have greens, corn on the cob and cabbage, too.”
The truck set up like a small market brings affordable produce to families on public assistance, homebound seniors and others who can't reach the well-stocked grocery chains in the suburbs.
Source: Houston Chronicle
What Happens to Your Accounts if U.S. Banks Fail? (Guide)
The only potential drawback is the article's assumption that the FDIC will be solvent and able to cover any bank failures. However, as has been reported on here, the FDIC may be insolvent by the end of 2009.
The following information applies to the various bank closing situations mentioned above. If there is a difference between what would happen when a bank is acquired versus what happens if the FDIC has to run the bank, it will be noted.
Types of services affected by a bank closure
1. ATM/debit cards 10. Dormant accounts 2. Automatic payments/escrows 11. IRAs 3. Automatic direct deposits/withdrawals 12. Loans 4. CD accounts 13. Online services 5. Checks 14. Overdraft line of credit 6. Deposits 15. Night deposit boxes 7. Insured deposits 16. Safe deposit boxes 8. Uninsured deposits 17. Tax information 9. Brokered deposits 18. Trust accounts 1. ATM/debit cards -- You should have access to your funds though an ATM, but transactions during the time the bank is closed may not be posted to your account right away. It's your responsibility to keep track of your transactions.
"ATMs are taken offline for processing," Barr says. The consumer never knows it. They're taken offline all weekend from the FDIC's standpoint, so if you use the ATM, that money is not being posted or withdrawn from your account. We have to balance the books so that on Monday morning we know exactly how the bank looked when it was closed. While customers can use ATMs over the weekend, technically those transactions won't hit the account until Monday morning."
H1N1 "Swine" Flu Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Disease (Don't Take It)!
Nevertheless, the USA is on a fast track to vaccinating millions of Americas and it does not seem that anything can stop it. However, more investigative reporters are beginning to question the vaccine's safety, which is good. If more people refuse to take the vaccine (like 30% of the U.K. nurses), then the program will stall in its tracks.
But some worry the vaccine could be more dangerous than the disease itself, which so far has had relatively benign outcomes compared with past flu pandemics.
As of Aug. 6, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a total of 6,506 hospitalizations from the H1N1 virus, with 436 deaths.
The majority of the deaths have occurred in patients with underlying medical conditions. By contrast, according to the CDC, about 36,000 people die each year from the so-called "regular" flu and related disorders.
What concerns some about the new vaccines is what components they may contain, as well as the fact that the government has given pharmaceutical companies immunity from any liabilities associated with the vaccines' use.
Source: Lakeland Times
Monday, August 17, 2009
MV Princess Ashika Update (List of Confirmed Missing Passengers / New Zealand Navy Finds Wreckage)
For the previous post on the MV Princess Ashika --> click here for the original story.
The New Zealand Navy is sending a remote operated vehicle to identify what it believes to be the wreckage of the MV Princess Ashika. There was a briefing between Alfred Soakai, acting secretary for the Tongan Ministry of Communications and Information, and Lieutenant Commander Andrew McMillian, head of New Zealand Navy dive team in Tonga. You can listen to the briefing by clicking on this sentence.
The New Zealand Navy is sending a remote operated vehicle down to what they believe is the wreck of the Princess Ashika in the waters off Tonga. The identity will be confirmed by finding the vessel's name-plate. But because the vessel is 110 metres below the surface it is too deep to send navy divers down - and the recovery of bodies is now in question.
Here is a list of 37 missing and unaccounted passengers who were on the ill-fated vessel. A total of ninety-three (93) persons are thought missing in the tragedy.
Fortunately, there is some financial hope for the families hard hit by the tragedy as the Ashika Relief Fund has collected over $600,000.
DONATIONS to the Ashika Relief Fund have reached over $600,000 pa'anga the Chief Secretary and Secretary to Cabinet, Busby Kautok, said on August 14 on receiving a $2,000 donation from the Staff Association Committee of the Westpac Bank of Tonga.
The $2,000 donation from Westpac staff was raised after staff in all six Westpac branches in Tongatapu, Vava'u, Ha'apai and 'Eua wore black on a three-day mufti.
Prior to that Westpac Bank of Tonga had also donated $20,000 to the Tonga Red Cross to assist them in their endeavor to help families of the Ashika tragedy.
Government established the Ashika Relief Fund with $500,000 pa'anga for the purpose of helping families who have been affected. The Chinese Federation, Chinese Business Council and Chinese residents in Tonga made the first outside donation of $51,572 earlier in the week.
This was followed by a USD$30,000 dollars donation from the China Red Cross presented to the Prime Minister Hon. Dr Feleti Sevele earlier this week.
Source: Matangi Tonga ; Radio Australia