Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Georgia Rep. Paul Broun Says Obamacare is a "Rotten Fish" and Democrats Might Use H1N1 "Swine" Flu as Excuse To Impose Martial Law

I certainly feel something crazy in the air. This craziness is mainly caused by President Obama's administration trying to push through ridiculous pieces of legislation that are completely contrary to the Constitution. Cap and trade. Cybersecurity Act of 2009. The hate speech bill. Health care reforms. Presidential signing statements. Continued wars in Central Asia. Eugenics!

If I didn't know any better, I would swear that I was criticizing the George W. Bush administration, because Obama has the exact same policies. Where is the "Change We Can Believe In?" It was probably just campaign hype to get people to vote for Obama and now that Obama has the seat, it is his job to lead the globalist agenda into the endzone.

Many people feel that the globalists have now entered this final stage and are ready to go for broke, including Georgia Representative Paul Broun. He believes that the "swine" flu hype is just an excuse for the government to implement martial law.

U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, R-Athens, walked into a North Georgia Technical College auditorium Tuesday evening to a standing ovation, holding three thick white binders.

"Folks, this is Obamacare," he said, holding the binders over his head.

"Let me start this by telling you what I think of this bill and (President) Obama," he said, and slammed the binders on the ground.

With that, Broun set the tone for a town hall meeting on health care reform. The Democrats' proposal is too expensive and will threaten millions of Georgians' jobs and lives, he said.

"This is a stinking, rotten fish, and they don't want you to smell it, and they want to shove it down your throat and make you eat it before you smell how rotten and stinky it is," he said...

He also spoke of a "socialistic elite" - Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - who might use a pandemic disease or natural disaster as an excuse to declare martial law.

Source: Athens Banner-Herald

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