Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Interview - Gun Packing Man at Obama Town Hall (Mainstream Media Operation to Demonize Second Amendment?)

***UPDATE 2***

An interview with William Kostric on Hardball With Chris Matthews is posted above. Apparently, Mr. Kostric is involved with the Free State Project. The alleged law enforcement earpiece is supposedly for a patriot radio network broadcast. This is quite an impressive interview by Mr. Kostric. Will the media use Mr. Kostric for the globalists' purposes?

“The Free State Project is an agreement among 20,000 pro-liberty activists to move to New Hampshire, where they will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of life, liberty, and property,” the Free State Project website explains.

Lawless explains on Franchi’s Facebook page that the earpiece is in fact hardware for a patriot radio network. “I know the guy,” Lawless writes. “There were 4 others also wearing earpieces. They do that to call each other in case of a problem. We also have something called PORC 411 here in NH.”

More on the man with the gun... William Kostric is a married man in his mid 30S who works in sales. He says he moved here to New Hampshire from Arizona about a year ago, because it's a "live free or die" state -- and he thought Arizona was becoming too restrictive with its gun laws.

He's passing out a bookmark that says, "Join the Second Amendment Revolution, the most exciting pro-liberty movement in over 200 years."

He's a Ron Paul supporter, who opposes just about everything Obama, including health care reform.

The local police say he is within his rights to carry a handgun openly under state law. He was carrying a 9-mm Smith and Wesson strapped to his lower leg.


What is up with this guy's earpiece? I do not think he is listening to the latest iPhone tunes. Why does this guy looks like some type of provocateur or rogue agent trying to cause some chaos?

The more I look at it, the more he seems like an obvious plant, so the talking heads on MSNBC will be able to talk about how these town hall protesters are dangerous. It will definitely fill the airwaves this evening on the various shows.

Let's see why I think he is a plant.

1. He is openly carrying a gun. I know there is the 2nd Amendment and people have an open carry right in New Hampshire, but I guarantee that if a true protester carried a gun, he would be beaten and tasered. The "Don't Tase Me, Bro" guy was tasered for simply asking a question to a Senator and this guy can bring a gun to the President. Give me a break! The powers-that-be don't carry about the Constitution. Therefore, this guy is there with someone's permission.

2. He has a very generic poster that incorporates a popular slogan and the Gadsden Flag. If I didn't know anything about the patriot truth movement and I was trying to blend in with everyone else by including the proper catch phrases and logos, I would make the banner that this guy is carrying in Picture #2 above. I wonder what it says underneath his Tree of Liberty poster, because there appears to be something else written.

3. As I said before, this guy is wearing an earpiece. Why is he wearing one? The iPhone headsets don't look like the ones this guy is wearing. The only people I see with those types of earpieces usually work for federal authorities.

Source: MSNBC ; MSNBC (Update) ; Infowars

1 comment:

ryanshaunkelly said...

Anderson Baldwin Carter Choate Clemente Gonzalez Gravel Kaptur Kucinich McKinney Nader Paul Perot Sheehan Ventura

Future of a Nation that can not trust the Government & Propaganda Media?
DNC & RNC have sold out the country in order to enrich themselves
Chronic lying as career path, intellectual prostitution for paycheck
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
Does the Government & Propaganda Media lie to you?
Wall Street Bailout Bill: Bush McCain Obama et al.
AIPAC 9/11 Bankers Extortion Blackmail Bribery
Independents agree on more than we disagree
Elite Ruling Class Greed or public servants?
Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil
Honesty compassion conscience guts
Both parties are corrupt to the core
Beware the divide and conquer
Whistle-Blower leaks multiply
A very RawStory on PressTV
InfoWars on a PrisonPlanet
Israel-first dual-nationals
Gung-ho Chickenhawks
Anthrax Intimidation

Left and rights of passage
Black and whites of youth
Who can face the knowledge
That the truth is not the truth?

Single payer?
Medicare for all?
Off the table?
Just like Impeachment was...