Friday, August 14, 2009

Is Obama's Health Care Reform Constitutional?

People are upset over the government trying to ram health care reform through the halls of Congress. There is talk about "death squads" and rationing for the elderly. Town halls all over the country have gotten quite heated as people are rallying to fight the health care reform bill. While I hear people saying that the bill is unconstitutional, I do not hear the mainstream media debating this point.

I did not think about it, but where is the Constitutional authority for this proposed bill? I do not see anything in the Constitution discussing health care. Although Congress has gone beyond its authority in the past, this type of act does not convert an unconstitutional law into a Constitutional one. Fortunately, we have alternative media.

Lost in all the hysteria being pumped out by these wretched outlaws in Congress and the liars for hire in the MSM is the real question: Does Congress have any legal authority under Art. 1, Sec. 8, in the U.S. Constitution to legislate health care or treatment within the states of the Union? No.

Health care is not a "human right." It is not a constitutional right.

Go read Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution. No where is Congress authorized to set up, run or legislate in the area of medical care, health care or whatever you want to call it. None. I've been watching the videos of the town hall meetings. In a couple of them, Americans have stood up at the microphone and said the government has no right to legislate health care in this country. Get government out of our health care system! Excellent.

Source: News With Views (By Devvy Kid)

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