Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Hi-Tech Airport Scanners Will Reveal Size of Breasts and Genitals!

I guess the crazy operation that happened with Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab on Christmas has served its purpose. I predicted that the authorities would be reveal that Mutallab had the explosives hidden in his underwear. Because TSA cannot physically inspect peoples' genital areas at the airport terminal checkpoints without running into serious privacy issues, the powers-that-be needed a more invasive alternative.

Enter full body scanners like something out of "Total Recall" that will soon be rolled out in ten (10) airports in the United States of America. If the powers-that-be were trying limit my airline travel capabilities, then they should consider the mission accomplished, because I will not be flying under these circumstances. I thought I had an explicit right to travel in the Constitution, but after researching the issue, I realize that I do not (though the Court says the right to travel is firmly established and repeatedly recognized).

The hi-tech machines are being installed in ten US airports and take just seconds to scan plane passengers.

They are designed to replace the physical pat-downs that is currently widespread in airports.

A random selection of plane travellers in Washington, New York's Kennedy, Los Angeles and other key hubs will be shut in glass booths while a three-dimensional image is made of their body beneath their clothes.

The booths close around the passenger and emit "millimetre waves" that go through cloth to identify metal, plastics, ceramics, chemical materials and explosives, according to the Transport Safety Authority (TSA).

While it allows the security screeners - looking at the images in a separate room - to clearly see the passenger's sexual organs as well as other details of their bodies, the passenger's face is blurred, TSA said.

Source: The Sun

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