Tuesday, September 22, 2009

County Sheriff Can Prevent Forced H1N1 "Swine Flu" Vaccinations - Richard Mack

I agree with using the local authorities to protect the people's rights against unconstitutional federal intrusion in a local jurisdiction. Unfortunately though, I doubt the current administration of Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Geithner, Axelrod, Rice, Bair, "Stedman" Holder, Bernanke, Sebelius, Napolitano, Holdren, Reid, Rockefeller, Frank, Soros, Emmanuel, Jones, Sotomayor, Jarrett, Douglass, Duncan and Gibbs will halt its end game agenda due to the local Roscoe P. Coltranes, Matt Dillons, and Buford T. Justices.

No sheriff would be able to combat NORTHCOM's forced flu vaccination teams in a straight up asset exchange against 400,000 soldiers. Therefore, the Sheriff must be able to communicate his power and authority effectively to the feds without the need for violence to protect citizens of his respective County. The Sheriff must know the Constitution and be willing to keep his oath no matter the price.

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