Saturday, November 21, 2009

Third Woman Loses Baby After H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Injection in Portugal

Because I am getting this information from a translation program, I have to give the disclaimer that the translator could be spitting out all types of erroneous information and I would not be able to confirm one way or another. If you believe thr translator, then this is further evidence that the H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine causes some pregnant women to have miscarriages. This is the third such case miscarriage in Portugal. Click the link below for the translated story.

LEIRIA - Third dead fetus in pregnant vaccinated (Translated)

The Flu Case is also reporting on this story too.

A pregnant woman who took the Pandemrix swine flu jab was rushed to the Hospital de Santo André, em Leiria in Portugal but lost her baby...

The 27-year-old was 20 weeks pregnant and was vaccinated [at] the begining of this month.

Third case of woman losing baby after Pandemrix jab in Portugal.

Source: Radio Hertz 98 FM Tomar ; The Flu Case

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