Saturday, December 05, 2009

Chicago Waterway Intentionally Poisoned with 20,000 Gallons of Toxic Rotenone to Kill Asian Carp (Thousands of Other Fish Species are Also Dead)

The sheer lunacy of scientists baffles me. These eggheads always seem to think they have the answers to everything and their actions usually result in worse events happening. Case in point, the Asian carp. Here is a non-native species that was brought to the southern States. Mistake #1. During the 1990s floods in the South and Midwest, these Asian carp were able to escape their holding pens and began a northern migration toward the Great Lakes.

Now in an attempt to save sportfishing, numerous government agencies are doing everything in their power to prevent the Asian carp from reaching Lake Michigan -- including poisoning a 6-mile long canal. Mistake #2.

Where is it defined in the Constitution or elsewhere that sportfishing is a rational governmental interest that requires the destruction of thousands of other species? I would say that only a very, small minority of people actually sport fish. Yet, the government says that this small interest must be protected at all cost even if we have to poison the waters and kill thousands of other fish.

Hoping to keep Lake Michigan safe from the fish, officials in Illinois dumped more than 20,000 gallons of a toxic chemical called rotenone into a stretch of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lockport, Ill. Rotenone kills fish by disrupting their ability to metabolize oxygen. Officials said they had no choice but to act.

"We are all very concerned about the threat Asian carp pose to the Great Lakes," said Stacey Solano, spokeswoman for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Like I said, this is a fine example of our tax dollars at work (NOT!). Let's kill all the other fish and poison the drinking water to eliminate the Asian carp. I have not seen ANY evidence to support the allegations being made by these government agencies that the Asian carp will kill off all other fish in the Great Lakes. As I have continually said, merely saying something does not make it true. Even if the Asian carp were to make it to the Great Lakes, there is no way it would be able to destroy all the lakes' fish as is being alleged!

This seems to be just another eugenics ploy to poison the water supply of millions of people with rotenone! I would be much more concerned about the poison in the water that has killed thousands of fish instead of worrying about the Asian carp. I feel bad for anyone in the Illinois area who must now drink this poisoned water!

Source: ABC News

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