Wednesday, February 17, 2010

DARPA to Create Oil & Jet Fuel from Algae That Will Only Cost $1-2 Per Gallon

DARPA is at it again! This time, the mad scientist wing of the Pentagon has announced that it will be able to create jet fuel from algae and this biofuel will be competitively priced against other fuels. If anyone else was making this claim, then I would doubt it, doubt it. However, DARPA's past track record makes me believe that it will be able to refine the process as claimed.

Darpa's research projects have already extracted oil from algal ponds at a cost of $2 per gallon. It is now on track to begin large-scale refining of that oil into jet fuel, at a cost of less than $3 a gallon, according to Barbara McQuiston, special assistant for energy at Darpa...

"Oil from algae is projected at $2 per gallon, headed towards $1 per gallon."

The Guardian

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