Monday, February 15, 2010

Toxic Aspartame Sweetener Rebranded as AminoSweet

I guess the word is getting out about how bad Aspartame (a/k/a NutraSweet) is. I recall when aspartame was first introduced when I was a kid in the 1980s. I remember trying it and absolutely HATING the stuff. To this day, I can instantly tell when a waiter brings me a diet soda. It is absolutely disgusting and this was even before I knew the side effects and its origins.

Excuse me, but I will pass on ingesting bacteria waste.

Due to this negativity associated with the Aspartame name, this Aspartame name is now being rebranded as AminoSweet. However, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and Aspartame by any other name would be just as toxic.

Ajinomoto believes that the time is right to remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it’s made from amino acids – the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet.

The name AminoSweet is appealing and memorable. It reflects that AminoSweet comes from the same amino acids that are abundant in the food we eat every day.


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