Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bay Area Residents Revolt Against PG&E's Invasive Smart Meters

I am glad to see people standing up for their rights against these new smart meters especially this Navy veteran. I am 100% against the smart meters and the smart grid. If I am ever blessed to own a home, I will take my home completely off of the electrical grid before I will allow the utility company to install its all-knowing smart grid. You can watch a news video of this Bay Area story by clicking the picture above or this link if you can't see the picture.

The new meter allows the utility to read your energy usage remotely, eliminating the need for meter readers. But what's it doing for customers? Hundreds don't like them. And now, there's a growing rebellion from people who don't want them.

Mark Dieteman is taking a stand against PG&E's new smart meters, putting his old meter under lock and key. "What I basically said to PG&E is: You're not coming by to put this on my house, period."

And why? "To me it's unconstitutional, it's an invasion of my privacy," he said.

Here is some technical information on the smart grid from a blog article last September - Commerce Department: NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Electrical Grid Interoperability Standards Release 1.0 (Draft).

Source: CBS-5 (Eye on the Bay)

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