Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FLASHBACK: Ole Miss' National Center for Natural Products Research Is Only Entity Registered with DEA to Legally Grow Marijuana in USA

Picture © Ole Miss

I thought the government took the position on marijuana that it has no medicinal value. If that is indeed the true government position, then why does the government fund a marijuana farm at the University of Mississippi called the National Center for Natural Products Research (website is currently being constructed)? However, you can click here for a history of this farm.

Here is some additional description information I found about the National Center from a DEA pleading.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is in turn a component within the Public Health Services (PHS) of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), oversees the cultivation, production, and distribution of research-grade marijuana on behalf of the United States Government. NIDA fulfills this obligation through a contract it administers currently within the University of Mississippi, National Center for Natural Products Research (National Center), which is the only entity current registered with the DEA to manufacture (cultivate) marijuana for the purpose of supplying the United States with research-grade marijuana. Based on the NIDA contract, the National Center then supplies the marijuana it cultivates to the Research Triangle Institute (RTI). RTI, which is registered with the DEA to manufacture marijuana, has a subcontract with the University of Mississippi to process the National Center's marijuana into cigarettes. RTI then distributes the marijuana cigarettes to DEA-registered researchers who utilize the marijuana for experimental clinical use. All of the foregoing activities take place under the supervision of NIDA.

Can you say government hypocrisy? If marijuana is so dangerous as claimed, then why is the government spending so many millions to study it?

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