Saturday, March 13, 2010

Random Heat Checks (China To Bid on US High-Speed Rail; H1N1 Vaccine Surplus in Georgia; Coffee Party Hype; 1st Carbon Credit Sold; Huge Deficits)

1. China to Bid on America's high-speed rail projects - I know that China has some expertise on the subject of high-speed railroads, but shouldn't America be trying to develop American companies that also have this high-speed rail expertise?

Georgia has more than 2 1/2 million unused doses of swine flu vaccine - No one wants the toxic vaccines!

Why is Viacom/CBS/Viacom promoting the White House's fake "astroturf" Coffee Party? - I will pass on any invite to a Coffee Party, because it sounds like some fake MSNBC grassroots organization.

Pennsylvania couple sells world's first carbon credit awarded for a reduction in personal carbon emissions - This couple may be well-meaning, but nevertheless, they are idiots. This couple reduces the family's energy outputs and invests in alternative energies. This is a good thing. The couple gets a credit for its reduction and then the couple sells that reduction to Molten Metal Equipment Innovations of Ohio. However, what is to stop Molten Equipment or some other company that buys these credits from using these credits to simply pollute the same or more? The companies that buy these credits will simply pass the price of buying carbon credits along to the consumers. Overall prices will increase and industrial pollution will continue.

U.S. Budget Deficit Grows $1 Million Every 11 Seconds

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