Friday, August 28, 2009

Corbett: Interview with Anti-Illuminati From Prison Planet (Enterprise Architecture & PTech's Global Information Grid Exposed)

Anti-Illuminati ("AI") has been posting information for as long as I have followed the Prison Planet Forums. He was the first person who revealed the Air Force's unmanned flight program (2009-2047), and that caused the Air Force to issue a press release three (3) days later. Therefore, AI's information has proven to be trustworthy in the past.

AI recently sat down with The Corbett Report to give a detailed interview about the global information grid and how control of this grid allows its users to stage false flag "terrorist" attacks. You can download the MP3 interview by clicking anywhere on this sentence.

In this interview, Prison Planet Forum member Anti-Illuminati joins us to discuss the information control grid and the PTech-like enterprise architecture behind it.

A.I.'s written documentation may be viewed at the Prison Planet Forums.

Past Remixx World! blog articles on PTech and enterprise architecture software.

Source: The Corbett Report ; Prison Planet Forums ; Anti-Illuminati

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