Friday, December 18, 2009

FLASHBACK: BBC Reports No Sun Link to Climate Change (BBC Also Possibly Believes in Santa Claus and Easter Bunny)

This propaganda piece fits right in with the schemers in Copenhagen who are plotting and conspiring to implement a global tax on all humans for the mere right and privilege of living! Once the globalist banks and industrialists can tax humans' and animals' carbon dioxide releases, then you will have to pay for the right to live. If you refuse to pay the global green tax, then your land, liberty and life will be taken.

If someone says that the Sun does not affect the Earth's climate, then that person is an idiot! The sun is a freakin' star only 93 million miles away. If the sun went supernova, then the Earth would be vaporized. If the Sun suddenly went out, the earth would immediately begin freezing! To say that it does not affect Earth's climate is quite naive. However, the BBC reported in 2008 that there is no 'sun link' to climate change. Therefore under my analysis, the BBC is an idiot.

Scientists have produced further compelling evidence showing that modern-day climate change is not caused by changes in the Sun's activity.

I guess if you want to believe that the Sun does not affect Earth's climate, then I am quite sure someone could write research papers with fancy numbers and graphs that prove the existence of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. If you read Hollow Earth Theory, this theory sometimes make sense. However just because some parts of theory make sense, that doesn't mean someone can visit Hollow Earth by heading to the North or South Pole.

Source: BBC

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