Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Round 3, Fight! H1N1 "Swine Flu" Reportedly Could Become an Epidemic in January, 2010!

I have been meaning to write about this story I read yesterday, but I kept getting distracted. I am about to fall asleep as I type this blog entry, but I have to get my thoughts out, because it now appears that we will soon be seeing Round 3 of the Great Swine Flu Hype of 2009-2010!

Round 1 was in April-May, 2009 when swine flu first came onto the scene. Round 2 was September-November, 2009 when the government rolled out the vaccines on the unsuspecting public. According to the Sanford Herald, Round 3 is expected to begin in January when the H1N1 is expected to reach epidemic status! Where in the world is Secretary Kathleen Sebelius? I have not seen her lately, so she is probably scheming somewhere for this next round!

The third and potentially strongest wave of the H1N1 flu virus is expected in January and it could become an epidemic in Lee County, according to Howard Surface.

The people in Lee County, North Carolina are not buying the propaganda, because fewer and fewer people are showing up the H1N1 vaccinations around the country and world. Perhaps this site and the many other sites on the web providing information about the H1N1 vaccine have helped people in the decision-making process.

The health department currently has 1,500-1,700 doses, Surface said, and they’ve administered very few thus far this season, relative to the population of Lee County. He said he’s not sure why so few people have taken advantage of the free vaccine.

“I’m surprised,” he said, adding that, on a recent day, the health department only saw 100 people come for the flu shot. “We could’ve handled 1,000. ... It’s not a national emergency, but there’s not a lot of apprehension about it.”

If you continue reading the original article all the way to the end, you will see a couple of paragraphs discussing the H5N1 avian flu. There is really no reason to mention H5N1 in the article unless it is a scaremongering or foreshadowing! H5N1 is not relevant in the United States at this time, because it has not been found in this country.

Nevertheless, there are billboards telling people to prepare for the H5N1 avian flu in North Carolina (see above picture from Jones County, North Carolina) even though the flu has never hit North Carolina or anywhere else in America!

While the fear of avian flu, or H5N1, may arise, it’s unlikely that it will spread to the U.S., she added.

“H5N1 is still kind of isolated to poultry workers and hasn’t hit this country,” Panozzo said. “It’s not spreading person-to-person; it’s people handling poultry. The virus going around now figured out a way to spread person-to-person without that contact. H5N1 hasn’t figured that out yet.”

But if H1N1 and H5N1 did meet and mutate, Surface said it would make the country’s economic crisis “seem like a Sunday school picnic.”

There were some rumors a few months back that people were testing positive for both H1N1 "swine flu" and H5N1 "avian flu. Further, we hear that the H1N1 will indeed mutate.

Source: Sanford Herald

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