Saturday, September 12, 2009

Zbigniew Brzezinski Says United States 'Risks Soviet Failure' in Afghanistan (**Now With Video!**)

To watch the video of Zbigniew Brzezinski's Keynote Address at the 7th Annual IISS Global Strategy Review Conference, click this sentence!

This week must be the week that Emperor Zbigniew Brzezinski Palpatine gets back into the mix of things, because this is the 2nd story where he criticized the foreign policy of his friend Lord Obama. Speaking at the 7th Annual IISS Global Strategy Review conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Mr. Brzezinski said that the United State's overall engagement is reaching similar levels to what the Soviet Union had at its peak in Afghanistan during the 1980s and that America faces the same risks that the Soviets faced. Brzezinski wants other nations to help the United States formulate its future goals in the Afghanistan.

"In my view, we in fact are running the risk of replicating, obviously unintentionally, what happened to the Soviets," he said...

"We went into Afghanistan almost eight years ago, and we overthrew the Taliban with 300 soldiers."

"Eight years later, we are beginning to move to a level of military force which is beginning to approximate the Soviet engagement and already our top generals are saying we are not winning militarily."

Source: BBC


Vigilante said...

News Flash! The Taliban is not on the Terrorist list!

Daniel said...

Is there a transcript of Brzezinski's speech at IISS in Geneva?

The Moderator said...

I have not yet seen a transcript, but I will post a link if one is ever released somewhere.