Friday, November 27, 2009

Guardian: "Almost All Camping Grounds Within 100 Miles of Los Angeles Are Filled with People Living in Them."

America has reached the point that Nations such as Sudan and Burundi have reached and now America has U.N. special rapporteurs exposing the underbelly of the American dream in the real estate market. The George W. Bush administration did not allow rapporteurs to enter America, but the Obama administration is now allowing entry and the first reports are being made available by U.N. rapporteur Raquel Rolnik.

One of the most startling revelations from this article is below:

"There is a predictable path for those who lose their jobs and can't pay the rent or the mortgage," Gary Blasi, a University of California law professor, told Rolnik. "First they live with friends and relatives, but they're poor, too. Then they live in their cars until the cars get towed or break down. Some live in tents. Almost all the camping grounds within 100 miles of Los Angeles are now filled with people living in them."

Source: The Guardian

1 comment:

slim banks said...

It's getting pretty bad in the parks and beaches too. Also, it's too close for me--there's a homeless encampment about 1/4 mile from my place.