Sunday, September 13, 2009

NASA Picks the Moon Crater to be Bombed! (Cabeus A)

As a followup to my previous story NASA Ready to Bomb the Moon! (Is There Some Undisclosed Alien Base Up There?), NASA has picked the specific place it wants to bomb.

The target crater is Cabeus A. It was selected after an extensive review of the best places to excavate frozen water at the lunar south pole.

How does one pronounce Cabeus? Does it sound anything like Sebelius?

Source: NASA

1 comment:

Cat's Staff said...

It looks like they have shifted the target from Cabeus A to Cabeus.

I was just trying to look up an official pronunciation guide, but couldn't find anything. Since it is named after Niccolò Cabeo, and from what I know about Italian pronunciation...I would pronounce it ka-BEE-us. Hard C (like Catherine), with the emphasis on the "be". "Cabela's" is the only name I can think of at the moment that comes close.