Thursday, December 30, 2010

U.S. Pacific Command Commander Says China's "Aircraft Carrier Killer" Missile Has Achieved Initial Operational Capability

File photo of Adm. Willard

The country should be focusing on what is going in Asia instead of the Middle East and Afghanistan. China is getting to the point where it may decide to call in the debts that the United States owes. It isn't building up its military capabilities for nothing. According to Admiral Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, China has developed an anti-ship ballistic missile that can destroy an aircraft carrier.

Adm. Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, said he believes that China aspires to become a "global military (power)" by extending its influence beyond its regional waters.

Willard also said he believes that China's anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system, known as "aircraft carrier killer," has achieved initial operational capability (IOC), even though "it will continue to undergo testing for several more years."

The full text of the Admiral's interview can be read at

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

United Kingdom's Food Standards Agency Says OK to Sell Cloned Meat and Milk without Consumer Labels

Animal Cloning for Food Production (Report by U.K. Food Standards Agency)

You can read the full report from Food Standards Agency by viewing the above document. However, if you want a summary, basically, the U.K. government agency responsible for food standards has stated that food from cloned animals is no different than food from regular, traditionally-bred animals. Therefore, no labeling of food from cloned animals is necessary.

The European Commission has proposed a temporary five-year ban on food and drink from clones but papers released by the Food Standards Agency indicate that Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman believes this is unnecessary.

An expert committee has advised the food watchdog that products from cloned cows and pigs and their descendants are no different from those from traditionally-bred animals, posing no additional risk to human health.

I would bet that cloned animals are already in the food distribution system.

Source: The Herald | Scotland

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Animated Video of All Nuclear Explosions from 1945 to 1998

To view this fascinating video from Live Leak, click the image above or here if the image does not appear on your screen.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ATF Makes Emergency Request to White House to Report Sales of Two (2) or More Rifles!

I have said it before and I will say it again, Attorney General Eric "Stedman" Holder wants your guns. If he's not filing briefs in legal cases that are anti-2nd Amendment, Attorney General Holder is making an emergency request to the White House through his ATF organization to further his objective. The full text from the Federal Register appears after the quoted language.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has asked the White House budget office to approve an emergency request requiring border-area gun dealers to report the sales of two or more rifles to the same customer within a five-day period... report multiple sales or other dispositions whenever the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of two or more rifles within any five consecutive business days with the following characteristics: (a) Semi automatic; (b) a caliber greater than .22; and (c) the ability to accept a detachable magazine.

Source: Yahoo; Federal Register


[Federal Register: December 17, 2010 (Volume 75, Number 242)]
[Page 79021]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []



Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

[OMB Number 1140-NEW]

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comments Requested

ACTION: 60-Day Emergency Notice of Information Collection Under Review: Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles.


The Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, will submit
the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with emergency review procedures of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. OMB approval has been requested by January 5, 2011. This notice requests comments from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed information collection. If granted, the emergency approval is only valid for 180 days. Comments should be directed to OMB, Office of Information and Regulation Affairs, Attention: Department of Justice Desk Officer (202) 395-6466, Washington, DC 20503.

During the first 60 days of this same review period, a regular
review of this information collection is also being undertaken. All comments and suggestions, or questions regarding additional information, to include obtaining a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions, should be directed to Barbara A. Terrell, Firearms Industry Programs Branch, Fax (202) 648-9640, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 99 New York Avenue, NE., Washington DC 20226. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information. Your comments should address one or more of the following four points:

  • Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility;
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
  • Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and
  • Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses.

Summary of Collection:

(1) Type of information collection: New.

(2) The title of the form/collection: Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles.

(3) The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of the department sponsoring the collection: Form Number: ATF F 3310.12. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

(4) Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Business or For-Profit Other: None.

Need for Collection

The purpose of the information is to require Federal Firearms Licensees to report multiple sales or other dispositions whenever the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of two or more rifles within any five consecutive business days with the following characteristics: (a) Semi automatic; (b) a caliber greater than .22; and (c) the ability to accept a detachable magazine.

(5) An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount
of time estimated for an average respondent to respond/reply: It is estimated that 8,479 respondents will complete a 12 minute form.

(6) An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: The estimated total public burden associated with this information collection is 1,696 hours.

If additional information is required contact: Lynn Murray,
Department Clearance Officer, Policy and Planning Staff, Justice Management Division, United States Department of Justice, 145 N Street, NE., Two Constitution Square, Room 2E-502, Washington, DC 20530.

Dated: December 14, 2010.

Lynn Murray,
Department Clearance Officer, PRA, United States Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2010-31761 Filed 12-16-10; 8:45 am]

Monday, December 20, 2010

Federal Government Releases Draft Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Solar Energy Zones in Western States

While I'm all for solar energy, I need to review the Draft Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement further to see what impact, if any, the projects will have on the public lands before I decide whether to support any of these projects.


Joint Draft Environmental Study Identifies Public Lands Best Suited for Solar Development in the West

Contact: Kendra Barkoff (DOI) 202 208-6416
Public Affairs (DOE) 202-586-4940
David Quick (BLM) 202 912-7413

WASHINGTON – Today Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced a comprehensive environmental analysis that has identified proposed ‘solar energy zones’ on public lands in six western states most suitable for environmentally sound, utility-scale solar energy production.

The detailed study, known as the Draft Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, was compiled over the past two years as part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to create a framework for developing renewable energy in the right way and in the right places. The public is encouraged to provide comment on the draft plan during the next 90 days.

“This proposal lays out the next phase of President Obama’s strategy for rapid and responsible development of renewable energy on America’s public lands,” Secretary Salazar said. “This analysis will help renewable energy companies and federal agencies focus development on areas of our public lands that are best suited for large-scale solar development. Our early, ‘Smart from the Start,’ planning will help us site solar projects in the right places, and reduce conflicts and delays at later stages of the development process.”

“Our country has incredible renewable resources, innovative entrepreneurs, a skilled workforce, and manufacturing know-how,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “It’s time to harness these resources and lead in the global clean energy economy. Today’s announcement is part of an integrated strategy to cultivate the entire innovation chain to create the jobs of the 21st century economy and to put America on a sustainable energy path.”

The Draft Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) assessed the environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with solar energy development on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administered areas in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. The Notice of Availability for the Draft Solar PEIS will be published in the Federal Register on Friday, December 17, 2010 and is available today in the Reading Room. The 90-day public comment period will include 14 open meetings, beginning in Washington, D.C. on February 2, 2011.

“Public involvement has been a vital component in every step of the BLM’s solar energy program,” said BLM Director Bob Abbey. “The lessons learned from what we have done so far, plus the public input obtained during this current comment period, will help make all solar development resulting from this process ‘Smart from the Start.’”

Under the study’s Preferred Alternative, the BLM would establish a new Solar Energy Program that would standardize and streamline the authorization process and establish mandatory design features for solar energy development on BLM lands.

Under this proposal, the BLM would establish Solar Energy Zones (SEZ’s) within the lands available for solar development right of way applications. These are areas that have been identified as most appropriate for development, containing the highest solar energy potential and fewest environmental and resource conflicts. The Solar Energy Zones would provide directed, landscape-scale planning for future solar projects and allow for a more efficient permitting and siting process.

The initiative stems from Salazar’s June 2009 announcement that tracts of BLM land in the six western states, known as Solar Energy Study Areas, would be fully evaluated for their environmental and resource suitability for large-scale solar energy production.

The BLM manages about 120 million acres of public land in the six western states covered by the Draft Solar PEIS. BLM lands that would be excluded from solar energy production include areas currently off-limits to this type of energy development; those prohibited by law, regulation, Presidential proclamation, or executive order; lands with slopes of 5 percent or greater and/or sunlight levels below 6.5 kilowatt-hours per square meter per day; and areas with known resources, resource uses, or special designations identified in local land use plans that are incompatible with solar energy development.

On the basis of these exclusions, about 22 million acres of BLM-administered lands would be available for right of way applications for solar development under the Preferred Alternative. That includes about 677,400 acres identified as proposed Solar Energy Zones. However, reasonably foreseeable solar energy development is anticipated ononly about 214,000 acres of the suitable and appropriate BLM lands.

As it completes the Solar PEIS, the BLM continues to process existing solar energy applications. Eight utility-scale solar projects have been approved in the last three months through the Department’s ‘fast-track initiative’ for BLM lands in California and Nevada that, combined, will generate 3,572 megawatts of electricity. The BLM’s current solar energy caseload includes 104 active solar applications covering 1 million acres that developers estimate could generate 60,000 megawatts of electricity.

The Department of Energy (DOE) is working to advance technological development and encourage the full-scale commercialization of clean energy technologies. Through the Loan Guarantee Program, DOE has made significant investments in utility-scale solar generation that will help to scale these technologies in the marketplace. Meanwhile, DOE's solar research and development efforts focus on significant improvements to the cost, reliability, and performance of devices, components, and systems. By working with DOI to accelerate solar energy generation on public lands, DOE is working to create a clean energy future while significantly reducing green house gases

The preferred method of commenting on the Draft Solar PEIS is by written submissions using the online form available at Comments can also be mailed to: Solar Energy Draft Programmatic EIS, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue - EVS/240, Argonne, Illinois 60439. Comments may also be submitted at public meetings scheduled for California: Barstow, El Centro, Ontario, and Palm Springs; Colorado: Alamosa; Nevada: Caliente, Goldfield, Las Vegas; Utah: Cedar City and Salt Lake City; New Mexico: Las Cruces; Arizona: Phoenix and Tucson; and Washington, D.C. in February and March 2011.

The Draft Solar Energy PEIS document is available online at the project website: A Question & Answer document is available online at Maps are available at


Apple Introduces PatriotApp™ "Snitch" Program for the iPhone

Wasn't there a movement to "Stop Snitchin" a few years ago? I guess Apple didn't get the memo, because it has released a program in iTunes for the iPhone that allows users to snitch on fellow Americans or otherwise in real time? I claim no copyright in the above image but I post it to demonstrate the levels of complexity that one can snitch on others. Per the application's description:

PatriotApp™ deputizes your iPhone or iPad! It is the world’s first app that allows citizens to assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient communities. The easy to use graphical interface allows you to report pertinent information to government agencies and share with others via social networking and blogs, all at your fingertips.…

Source: Apple

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Former Reagan Senior Policy Advisor Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Unfortunately, this book about the destruction of America's education system is no longer in print.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, blew the whistle in the `80s on government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge will help you protect your children from controversial methods and programs.

Source: Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fast and Furious 5 (Fast Five) Official Teaser Trailer

I don't usually discuss movies on my site unless they relate to conspiracy theories. However, the Fast and the Furious series is the exception to the rule, because the series includes some of my favorite all-time movies. Check out the trailer for the latest film set to be released on April 29, 2011. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Ludacris, Tyrese & the Rock will all be in this movie. I can't wait to check out the action.

FLASHBACK: American Jihadist Terrorism: Combating a Complex Threat (2010)


If the above document from September 20, 2010 is ever unavailable, then click here for an alternate site.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Louisiana Coast & Marshes Are Still Contaminated with BP Oil

If the video link above does not appear, then click here to view it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

FLASHBACK: Florida Citrus Industry May Use Genetically Modified Oranges to Combat Greening Disease

I certainly hope this is not true, because it would mean that I will have to limit my orange consumption in the near future. I don't know if I want to be eating some Franken-Orange or drinking Franken-juice. Read on for the full press release


News from the National Academies

Read Full Report

Date: March 23, 2010
Contacts: Jennifer Walsh, Media Relations Officer
Alison Burnette, Media Relations Assistant
Office of News and Public Information
202-334-2138; e-mail



WASHINGTON -- Urgency, cooperation, and persistent management are needed among producers, processors, government officials, and scientists while solutions are developed and implemented to combat the citrus greening disease threatening Florida citrus production, says a new report from the National Research Council. Requested by the Florida Department of Citrus, the report lays out a strategic plan to control citrus greening and develop a comprehensive solution to diseases that damage citrus crops.

First detected in Florida in 2005, citrus greening is a deadly bacterial disease that affects all citrus varieties and is spread by an insect, the Asian citrus psyllid. Trees infected with the disease have yellow shoots; blotchy leaf color; reduced amount of fruit; and fruits that are abnormally small, lopsided, or "off" in flavor. After infection, the first symptoms may appear in six to 18 months, with relatively fast progression of the disease throughout an orchard. As the severity of the disease increases, citrus yield drops and could make the orchard's production uneconomical in seven to 10 years after planting. The committee that wrote the report found that citrus greening and measures taken to control it reduced Florida orange juice production by several percent by 2008, and losses will likely increase.

Although there is no cure, three-pronged programs have demonstrated some effectiveness in areas not yet severely affected by the disease, but the number of infected citrus trees in Florida continues to rise. The programs rely on production of mandated propagation material in insect-proof facilities, reduction of the Asian citrus psyllid populations, and visual identification and prompt removal of infected trees. To be effective, this program must be continued vigorously, even if the number of infected trees increases in the first years of the program. However, if the disease advances rapidly and more than a few percent of the trees in a grove must be removed every year, production will not be sustainable in today's citrus industry, the committee concluded.

The most powerful long-term management tool likely will be the cultivation of citrus trees resistant to the bacteria that cause citrus greening and to the Asian citrus psyllid, the committee said. Genetic engineering holds the greatest hope for generating trees with these traits. If bacteria-infected trees can be found and removed sooner than through visual detection, the number of infected Asian citrus psyllids and spread of the disease should drop significantly. The committee recommended research to identify indicators that could more efficiently detect infected citrus trees, especially those that may not show symptoms. Orchard test plots consisting of infected trees that show no symptoms, as well as ones with symptoms, also should be established to evaluate new scouting and therapeutic methods.

Until these approaches can be implemented, the report lays out other high-priority actions that could sustain citrus production, including:

  • creating "citrus management areas" in Florida to facilitate mitigation of citrus greening and other threats to citrus production,
  • integrating efforts to improve insecticide control of the Asian citrus psyllid,
  • expanding extension efforts that emphasize removal of infected trees in groves, and
  • encouraging homeowners to remove backyard citrus trees, particularly trees infected with citrus greening.

The committee also found that greater use of insecticide sprays, as currently required for successful suppression of the Asian citrus psyllid population, runs the risk of the insect developing resistance to the insecticides, the number of beneficial insects decreasing, and the groundwater being contaminated. More information on Asian citrus psyllid behavior and citrus greening disease are needed to improve the insect's suppression, and research should aim to develop alternative Asian citrus psyllid management strategies.

The incursion of citrus greening disease has been more effective than any prior event in bringing industry, government, and universities together in the defense of citrus production in Florida, the committee stated. However, unifying research efforts on the national and international levels, with an emphasis on strategic planning, would probably produce usable results to help mitigate citrus greening disease more rapidly. Information transfer could be enhanced by establishing an annual international research meeting and increasing Internet-accessible data banks. Coordination of research funding and project monitoring could be improved by allowing an organization, preferably an existing one, to have oversight responsibility for research and development efforts. In addition, an analysis of the economic impacts of citrus greening disease, including a cost-benefit analysis and the potential of new technological developments, should also be completed.

The report was sponsored by the Florida Department of Citrus. The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council make up the National Academies. They are independent, nonprofit institutions that provide science, technology, and health policy advice under an 1863 congressional charter. Committee members, who serve pro bono as volunteers, are chosen by the Academies for each study based on their expertise and experience and must satisfy the Academies' conflict-of-interest standards. The resulting consensus reports undergo external peer review before completion. For more information, visit A committee roster follows.

Copies of STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR THE FLORIDA CITRUS INDUSTRY: ADDRESSING CITRUS GREENING DISEASE are available from the National Academies Press; tel. 202-334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242 or on the Internet at HTTP://WWW.NAP.EDU. Reporters may obtain a copy from the Office of News and Public Information (contacts listed above).

[ This news release and report are available at HTTP://NATIONAL-ACADEMIES.ORG ]

Division on Earth and Life Studies
Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources


Professor Emeritus
Department of Plant Pathology
University of California

Professor Emeritus
Genomique Diversite Pourvoir Pathogene
Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2

Vice President
Technology Policy and Academic Relations
Medtronic Inc. (retired)
New Brighton, Minn.

Vice President for U.S. Product Management
Monsanto Co.
St. Louis

Professor Emeritus
Department of Entomology
Ohio State University

Vice President of Operations
California Citrus Research Board

Global Director
Plant Science and External Research
Mars Inc.
Davis, Calif.

Professor and International Professor
Department of Entomology
Cornell University
Geneva, N.Y.

Professor Emeritus
Citrus Research and Education Center
University of Florida
Lake Alfred

Ralph O. Mumma Professor of Entomology, and
Department of Entomology
Center for Chemical Ecology
Pennsylvania State University
University Park

Research Plant Pathologist
Crop Diseases, Pests, and Genetics Research Unit
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
Parlier, Calif.


Study Director

1 Member, National Academy of Sciences

2 Member, National Academy of Engineering

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Pennsylvania Food & Convenience Store Merchants Prepare Plans with State DOA to Control Food During Emergencies

"Control the food and you control the people."

I didn't say the previous statement. That statement was allegedly made by Henry Kissinger. I cannot say the below emergency food guidance program has a nefarious purpose. However, despite its private nature, the program's State-affiliation gives Pennsylvania the opportunity to control the food system through the State's private food merchants and retailers in cases of emergencies.

Also if Pennsylvania doesn't take control of the food during one of the aforementioned emergencies, the Feds will likely become involved due to Homeland Security's responsibility for food at the federal level.

See also: Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9: Defense of United States Agriculture and Food



Monday, December 6, 2010
Randy St. John;
(717) 760‐5912

Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association and Pennsylvania Convenience Store Council Partner with Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture On Emergency Preparedness Guidance

Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidance Created for Emergency Managers, Wholesale Distributors and Retail Food Merchants

CAMP HILL – The Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association (PFMA) and Pennsylvania Convenience Store Council (PCSC) have partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) to create Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidance for wholesale distributors and retail food merchants that can be leveraged during times of emergency.

This guidance establishes a foundation upon which Pennsylvania’s food distribution network and PDA as well as the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) can build an ongoing and mutually beneficial relationship. This state‐level initiativeassists with on‐going efforts between the private food sector and county and local emergency authorities.

In times of emergency, supplies such as rapidly distributable food, over‐the‐counter (OTC) drugs and pharmaceuticals, as well as other consumer products, are critical, and depending on the scope of the emergency, can also be in short supply. Keeping our critical distribution systems moving in an emergency maintains stability, public health and confidence for the state’s 12 million residents.

PFMA and PCSC members understand that the mission of PDA, and ultimately PEMA, is to ensure the safety of its citizens by working to develop and coordinate a unified, all‐hazards planning and response effort for any emergency event.

In April 2008, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture began the process of drafting the document. The Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidance for Pennsylvania’s food retailers and wholesale distributors was approved for dissemination in November.

“When disaster strikes, the food system is often impacted, therefore partnerships built before a disaster strikes are key to the state’s short and long‐term response and recovery and PDA’s work on this project was essential in creating the guidance,” said Randy St. John, senior vice president of Association Services at PFMA.

This Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidance details the appropriate processes, procedures and communication protocols that the state can use to integrate the private food distribution sector into a coordinated all‐hazards emergency response plan by:

  • Utilizing procedures and communication protocols to support real‐time, two‐way sharing of situational awareness and incident management between the private fooddistribution sector and state government during an incident of state or national significance. Situational awareness may include but is not limited to: power outage projections; major road closure information; critical weather service alerts; and general two‐way coordination;
  • Streamlining paperwork for calls for emergency assistance and Hours of Service (HoS) waivers;
  • Conducting coordinated response plan training with private food sector, emergency response and sector specific agencies at the state, county and local levels and more.

The Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidance is available to any food retailer or distributor in Pennsylvania. The guidance is not limited to the PFMA and PCSC membership. To request copies of the guidance and to get involved in the two‐way communication network, please contact Annette Knapp at

The Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association/Pennsylvania Convenience Store Council is a statewide trade association representing more than 1,100 retail food and convenience stores, wholesale distributors and other associated business members throughout Pennsylvania.


Sunday, December 05, 2010

If You Ate a Sandwich at Jerry's Deli in Westwood, CA in November, 2010, You May Have Been Exposed to Hepatitis A

County of Los Angeles - Public Health
Public Health News
313 N. Figueroa Street, Room 806 · Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 240-8144

For Immediate Release:

December 1, 2010
Employee at Westwood Jerry’s Deli Diagnosed with Hepatitis A

Public Health taking steps to reduce the risk of the illness spreading

LOS ANGELES – Today the Department of Public Health announced that an employee of Jerry’s Deli in Westwood, located at 10925 Weyburn Ave., has been diagnosed with acute hepatitis A. The hepatitis A virus is spread by close physical contact and through fecal contamination of food or drink, so Public Health recommends that patrons who ate sandwiches at the restaurant or who ate catered sandwiches from this location on November 18, 21, 23 or 24 should receive an immune globulin (IG) shot or a hepatitis A vaccination no later than 14 days after their exposure to prevent or reduce illness.

“So far, we have not received notice of any cases resulting from exposure at this establishment, and the risk of transmission from this patient is considered low,” said Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MPH, Director of Public Health and Health Officer. “We are actively investigating the situation and working with the management of Jerry’s Deli to prevent any possible spread of the disease.” Health officials recommend that patrons who ate hot or cold sandwiches at the Westwood location of Jerry’s Deli or who ate catered sandwiches from this location on the dates specified above receive an IG shot or hepatitis A vaccination to prevent or reduce illness. No other food or drink is considered to be at risk. IG is a shot of concentrated antibodies made from donated blood, providing temporary protection; while the hepatitis A vaccine helps your body develop its own antibodies, providing longer-lasting protection.

Shots must be received within 14 days of exposure in order to reduce or prevent illness. Only those patrons ate sandwiches at the restaurant or who ate catered sandwiches from this location on November 18, 21, 23 or 24 need to take steps to protect their health.

Please note that only the Westwood branch of Jerry’s Deli is affected by this Health Alert.

Persons who have been vaccinated against hepatitis A or have received IG within the last three months or have ever had laboratory confirmed infection with the hepatitis A virus also do not need an injection of IG.

Affected residents are encouraged to seek IG or vaccine through their personal physicians. The Department of Public Health will make IG and vaccine available through certain clinics through December 8. A list of these Public Health clinics, dates and locations can be found on the DPH website at or by calling the LA County Info line at 211 from any landline or cell phone within the county.

Persons who had sandwiches from Jerry’s Deli in Westwood between November 12 and November 17 may have been exposed to hepatitis A but it is too late to receive IG or vaccine to prevent illness. If you experience any of the symptoms of hepatitis A, please contact your doctor. There is no risk to any person who ate food prepared after November 24.
Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A

Persons who had sandwiches from Jerry’s Deli in Westwood between November 12 and November 17, or those who had sandwiches between November 18 and November 24 and did not receive a protective shot, may develop hepatitis A. The incubation period for hepatitis A is two to seven weeks. If you may have been exposed, watch for the following symptoms:

  • jaundice (a yellow color to the eyes or skin)
  • nausea
  • loss of appetite
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • abdominal cramps
  • dark-colored urine
  • fatigue and light-colored bowel movements

If you experience these symptoms, contact your physician.

Close contacts, including household and sexual partners, are at risk for acquiring hepatitis A from an infected person. It is important to be diagnosed promptly to ensure that treatments with IG or vaccine are effective. Routine vaccination and thorough handwashing with soap and hot water after using the toilet and before handling food are the most effective factors in preventing the spread of the disease.

The Department of Public Health is committed to protecting and improving the health of the nearly 10 million residents of Los Angeles County. Through a variety of programs, community partnerships and services, Public Health oversees environmental health, disease control, and community and family health. Public Health comprises more than 4,000 employees and has an annual budget exceeding $750 million. To learn more about Public Health and the work we do, please visit, visit our YouTube channel at, or follow us on Twitter: LAPublicHealth.

# # #

Video of X-37B Robotic Space Plane's Return to Earth at Vandenberg Air Force Base

The U.S. Air Force's mysterious X-37B robot space plane made a successful return to Earth today, landing at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Click the picture above to view the video or click here to view it.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

UN Climate Summit Leader Christiana Figueres Prays to Mayan Moon Goddess Ixchel

This is why United States tax dollars should never be sent to the United Nations. Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recently prayed to the Maya Moon Goddess in her opening statement.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to COP16, welcome to CMP6! Welcome to the land of the ancient Mayan goddess

Next to being the goddess of the moon, Ixchel was also the goddess of reason, creativity and weaving. May she inspire you - because today, you are gathered in Cancún to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools.

Simulated likeness of Ixchel. Source: Dogaru Florin. All rights reserved. Subject to the GNU Free Documentation License.

I do not care if Ms. Figueres idolizes Ixchel in her spare time, but she needs to keep her fictional characters to herself especially in when she is in a official capacity. Ms. Figueres, you are an idiot!

Source: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Friday, December 03, 2010

FLASHBACK: Bobby O'Jay Says WDIA Set to Begin HD2 Simulcast

The only reason I'm posting this article about WDIA upgrading its broadcast to HD is because I have been getting a lot of traffic from people looking for Bobby O'Jay in the last few days. Last year, I posted an encounter between former Mayor Willie Herenton and Mr. O'Jay from the radio (Willie Herenton Blasts WDIA's Bobby O'Jay on Radio and Joe Birch on TV (W.W. Says His State of Mind is Real Good)!) that was an instant classic, so perhaps that is why I'm getting the traffic. Nevertheless, this story also allowed me the chance to do some research on HD radio which I had heard about, but knew nothing about.

CLEAR CHANNEL Black Talk WDIA-A/MEMPHIS has been pumping out 50,000 watts of good will for decades. Now, according to OM/morning host BOBBY O’JAY, "It’s time for an upgrade." According to O’JAY, the station is scheduled to simulcast on sister station Urban AC KJMS’s HD2 side channel, which is 100,000 watts.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flight Deck View from USS George Washington of War Games with South Korea in Yellow Sea

If the above video does not play, click here to visit the CNN site.


The above document is a legal research paper I did in law school back in 2001. I never published the above document, so I figured that I might as well dust off the digital archives and post it for the world to see (or not).

Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday 2010 Shopping Spree Video Montage

I do not remember "Black Friday" being so crazy when I was a kid. I remember parents fighting over Cabbage Patch Kids dolls in the 1980s, but I don't recall if that occurred the day after Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, this is consumerism at its very worst - ugh!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Homeland Security Deactivates Scores of Websites without Court Order

Homeland Security is seizing websites at its sole discretion. This is a slippery slope that is probably better handled by the U.S. Marshals or the FBI instead of Homeland Security.

The Homeland Security Department's customs enforcement division has gone on a Web site shutdown spree, closing down at least 76 domains this week, according to online reports.

Unless Al-CIA-da is dealing in bootleg MP3s and home videos, this is yet another ridiculous waste of government resources. I recognize that willful & intentional copyright infringement is a crime. However, except in very rare, egregious cases, I do not feel copyright infringement poses a serious threat to the health, safety and general welfare of the community - at all!

If you ever happen to open up your favorite browser, click to Remixx World! and it's no longer available, then you will know that Homeland Security (and/or Google) has/have targeted it for elimination!

Source: Raw Story

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oxitec Releases GMO Mosquitoes in Grand Cayman Islands to Combat Dengue

I wonder if these GMO mosquitoes in the Grand Cayman Islands are having an unknown effect on the environment. For my Malaysian readers, don't think you're safe from the GMO mosquitoes. Where in the hell are the Prius-drivin' environmentalists? They get mad at a cowboy driving a Hummer and eating a triple cheeseburger, but they say nothing about all the GMO creatures being introduced throughout the environment that will likely cause chaos before it is all said and done. But I guess if a scientist says it is all cool, then the GMO manipulation is "good" for the environment.

Gimme a break, I don't believe this is a natural outbreak. Dengue didn't really pop up in the news until the last few months. Now, it is all over the news and it has even killed a famous surfer. Coincidentally or not, a company announces that it has introduced GMO mosquitoes to the region around the same time the infection it is supposed to counteract explodes.


Open field trial demonstrates effectiveness of RIDL® system for suppressing a target wild mosquito population

Oxitec and the Mosquito Research and Control Unit of Grand Cayman (MRCU) today announced, at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene annual meeting in Atlanta, the results of their open field trial. This was the first field demonstration of the use of Oxitec’s RIDL strain OX513A to control the dengue carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito.

This genetically sterile mosquito strain has been developed to help combat the dengue carrying mosquito Aedes aegypti. This sterility can be suppressed with a dietary antidote, allowing the strain to be reared in large numbers. Sterile males are then released to seek out and mate wild females, competing for mates with the wild males. If a female mates with a sterile male she will have no offspring, thus reducing the next generation's population. Repeated releases of sufficient numbers of sterile males will result in a reduction in the target mosquito population below the minimum level needed to support dengue transmission.

Male mosquitoes do not bite or spread disease and will mate only with females of the same species, hence the release of sterile male mosquitoes presents a safe alternative to insecticides.

Dr William Petrie of MRCU said ‘Dengue is a debilitating disease one can only get from the bite of an infected mosquito. There are around 100 million cases per annum globally and we need new tools against this mosquito’, a view supported by the World Health Organisation; ‘the only way to prevent dengue virus transmission is to combat the disease-carrying mosquitoes.

The field trial took place in Grand Cayman with sterile male releases from May to October and additional pre- and post-trial monitoring. This followed a successful smaller trial in 2009 that demonstrated that released RIDL males mated successfully with their local counterparts in the open environment. Eggs were supplied from Oxitec’s facilities in the UK and the sterile male mosquitoes were hatched and released by MRCU. After initial production and release testing, releases of male sterile mosquitoes reached the required release level in July. A significant reduction in the local mosquito population was observed from August. All of the trial objectives were successfully met, including the main goal of suppressing the local Aedes aegypti population.

Dr Luke Alphey, Chief Scientific Officer and Founder of Oxitec added ‘Oxitec considers that this approach could be used in many countries to help control the Aedes aegypti mosquito and hence prevent dengue fever. We have been working on this for many years to ensure the approach is both effective and safe. This trial represents the first demonstration in the open field and we are delighted with the results.’

About Dengue
1 WHO Dengue factsheet

Dengue is the world’s fastest growing mosquito borne viral disease for which there is neither medication nor vaccine. Existing control methods centre on the use of insecticides together with practical methods to reduce the number of likely mosquito breeding sites. Despite this, dengue fever has grown rapidly over the last decades as Aedes aegypti has spread to new countries and, according to the WHO, two fifths of the world’s population, some 2.5bn people, are now at risk.

About Oxitec
Oxitec is a pioneer in controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops. Oxitec has developed RIDL technology that allows the development of sterile males of a target insect species as a control method. This approach is safe, environmentally friendly and sustainable.

About MRCU
The Mosquito Research & Control Unit (MRCU) was established in 1965 and provides mosquito control on Grand Cayman and its sister islands. MRCU also performs leading research into mosquito behaviour, insecticide resistance and control methods and is internationally renowned for its public health contribution.

For further information contact:
Dr Luke Alphey +44 1235 832393
Camilla Beech +44 1235 832393

TSA Airport Scanner Checkpoint Image of the Day

This may or may not represent an actual scene at your local airport this holiday season.

China & Russia Renounce U.S. Dollar in Bilateral Trade Agreements

Yikes, this is not a good sign. The world is slowly weaning itself of its dollar fix. In the past decades, many of the world's major transactions had to pass through the U.S. financial system, because of the world's usage of the dollar. Now that Russia and China are making bilateral deals with their own respective currencies, the dollar's value in the world may soon decrease.

China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday.

Chinese experts said the move reflected closer relations between Beijing and Moscow and is not aimed at challenging the dollar, but to protect their domestic economies.

Source: Asia One

Monday, November 22, 2010

Panasonic Discontinues Production of Technics 1200 Analog DJ Turntables

I bought my 1st set of turntables back in 1993. They were a cheap belt drive system that I bought pre-Internet from some DJ store in Brooklyn I saw in a magazine advertisement. I later updated to a decent Gemini direct drive system and while that lasted me for a decade, these tables weren't Technics 1200. However, as much as I wanted to own my own Technics 1200s, I never had the money to spend on such luxury. Nevertheless, I promised myself that I would get me a set of these turntables one day no matter how old I was.

It is funny how time has a way of slipping away from us if we don't seize the moment. I gave my Gemini turntables to charity back in 2005 when Lindsey Lohan and other celebrity "DJs" with their iPod mix sets came on the scene. For five (5) years, I haven't thought much about DJing as I became an iTunes head myself. Last weekend, I went to my storage facility and saw the crates of my old records. Now that I'm a little older and a tid bit wiser, maybe I'm now in a position where I can finally realize my dream and buy some Technics 1200.

Unfortunately, I just found out that Panasonic has discontinued its analog turntable production line including all the Technics 1200 (see above picture). I believe that this is a recent announcement, so there are probably still various units in the marketplace. However, the cost of the these turntable units will inevitability rise as supplies diminish. I better scramble and make a purchase before that happens.

R.I.P. Technics 1200. You will never be gone with the number of units still in use and production today.

Source: Judd Studio Engineering

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Understanding Islam for Dummies Parts 1 & 2 (Manga)

I'm not a Moslem, but I learned more about Islam from the below comics than I ever have from the mainstream media. It does seem one-sided in its pro-Islam view, but informative nonetheless. I wish all the major classical books were available in comic book form.


Friday, November 19, 2010

TSA Places $35 Million Order for Rapiscan's Advanced Aviation Checkpoint X-Ray Systems

The below press release is evidence of more money being made by companies producing invasive body scanning machines. Just for the record, the Chertoff Group represents Rapiscan Systems/OSI Systems. In case the name Chertoff seems familiar, yes, the company is run by former Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff. But I'm sure there's no potential conflict in that relationship.

Yeah right.


Rapiscan Systems Receives Orders for $35M for Advanced Aviation Checkpoint X-Ray Systems
Torrance, CA

Rapiscan Systems, a leader in advanced security screening solutions, today announced that it has received orders from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) totaling $35 million for the Rapiscan 620DV Advanced Technology (AT) checkpoint X-ray baggage inspection system. The delivery orders are among the first to be placed by TSA under the terms of a five year Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. The 620DV AT systems will be deployed by TSA at airport checkpoints in the United States, where they will be used to screen passengers' carry-on baggage.

Deepak Chopra, CEO of OSI Systems, commented: "TSA is widely regarded as one of the most demanding customers in terms of advanced threat detection, product reliability and operational performance. This order from TSA confirms that the Rapiscan 620DV is truly a state-of-the-art aviation threat detection solution that also improves checkpoint efficiency and the experience of passengers."

The Rapiscan 620DV is an advanced checkpoint screening system that uses advanced technology to automatically indicate potential threats while improving checkpoint efficiency. The 620DV's proprietary multiple view X-ray technology provides systems operators with a more comprehensive view of the items screened, which in turn reduces the need for time consuming re-scanning of bags as they go through a checkpoint. To date, Rapiscan has received orders for approximately 1,000 620DV systems which have been deployed to airports worldwide.

Ajay Mehra, President of Rapiscan Systems commented: "We are very pleased that TSA has selected the 620DV for deployment at U.S. airports. The system?s flexibility, along with its outstanding technical and operational capabilities, ensures that it will remain a key contributor to aviation security for years to come."

About Rapiscan Systems
Rapiscan Systems, a division of OSI Systems, Inc. is a leading global supplier of security inspection solutions utilizing X-ray and gamma-ray imaging, and advanced threat identification techniques such as neutron and diffraction analysis. The company's products are sold into four market segments; Baggage and Parcel Inspection, Cargo and Vehicle Inspection, Hold Baggage Screening and People Screening. The company has an installed base globally of more than 70,000 security and inspection systems. The Rapiscan Systems product line is manufactured at four locations and supported by a global support service network. The company was recognized for its market leadership with one of the United Kingdom's most prestigious distinctions, The Queen's Awards for Enterprise, and named by Frost & Sullivan as the 2008 North American Homeland Security Inspection and Screening Company of the Year. For more information on Rapiscan Systems, please visit

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements include information regarding the company's expectations, goals or intentions about the future, including expectations relating to the amount of the Company's potential revenues under the indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract referenced above. The actual results may differ materially from those described in or implied by any forward-looking statement.

For Further Information:
Andrew Goldsmith
Vice President, Marketing
Rapiscan Systems
Tel: (703) 812-0322

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TSA Places $16 Million Order for Multiple Units of OSI Systems' Secure 1000 Single Pose Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) Systems

The stimulus dollars hard at work. I guess when this administration says it has created jobs, it can say that it has created jobs necessary to produce body scanners that many people don't want.


OSI Systems, Inc. Logo

OSI Systems Receives $16 Million Delivery Order from TSA for Advanced Imaging Technology

Systems Purchased with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funds Second Order Placed under $173 Million IDIQ Contract

Total Orders Received To Date Are Approximately $40M

HAWTHORNE, Calif., Apr 29, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- OSI Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:OSIS), a vertically-integrated provider of specialized electronic products for critical applications in the Security and Healthcare industries, today announced that it has received an approximate $16 million order from the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for multiple units of its Secure 1000 Single Pose Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) systems--funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This is the second order to be placed under Rapiscan's Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract received from TSA in September 2009 for up to $173M.

The Secure 1000 Single Pose is on the Transportation Security Administration's Qualified Products List and is currently being deployed at airports throughout the U.S. The systems will be manufactured at the company's Ocean Springs, Mississippi facility.

About OSI Systems, Inc.

OSI Systems, Inc. is a vertically integrated designer and manufacturer of specialized electronic systems and components for critical applications. The Company sells its products in diversified markets, including homeland security, healthcare, defense and aerospace. The Company has more than 30 years of experience in electronics engineering and manufacturing and maintains offices and production facilities located in more than a dozen countries. It implements a strategy of expansion by leveraging its electronics and contract manufacturing capabilities into selective end product markets through organic growth and acquisitions. For more information on OSI Systems Inc. or any of its subsidiary companies, visit News Filter: OSIS-G

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements include information regarding the company's expectations, goals or intentions about the future, including, order that may be placed under the IDIQ contract issued to Rapiscan Systems. The actual results may differ materially from those described in or implied by any forward-looking statement. In particular, because the contract is an IDIQ arrangement, the Government may not ultimately place orders with Rapiscan Systems for the full contract amount. Other important factors are set forth in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings OSI Systems, Inc. All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made, and the company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: OSI Systems, Inc.

OSI Systems Inc
Jeremy Norton
Vice President, Investor Relations

Copyright Business Wire 2010

FLASHBACK: Did President George W. Bush Acquire Over 98,000 Acres in Paraguay near Acuifero Guaraní? (2006)

I need to confirm if this story is legit, but with the so-called "water wars" on the horizon, it would make sense for the rich Bush family to secure land and potentially water rights near one of the largest underground reservoirs in South America.

The land grab project of US President George W. Bush in Chaco, Paraguay, has generated considerable discomfort both politically and environmentally.

The news circulating the continent about plans to buy 98,840 acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay) is the talk of the town in these countries...

Argentinean Adolfo Perez Esquivel warned that the real war will be fought not for oil, but for water, and recalled that Acuifero Guaraní is one of the largest underground water reserves in South America, running beneath Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (larger than Texas and California together).

In case any of the links herein is not working, please click here for a backup link.

Source: (Prensa Latina)

Microbiologist Specializing in Genetics & Mosquito-Transmitted Diseases Dead in Apparent Suicide

Image Souce: David Dees

Call me skeptical, but I don't believe that this
young woman committed suicide by cyanide. I just do not believe it.

A University of South Florida molecular biologist died Monday night in an apparent suicide by cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel, police said.

Something is quite fishy especially considering that Dr. Chitra Chauhan earned her doctorate from the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in New Delhi, India, in 2005, then studied mosquitoes and disease transmission at the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Chauhan also collaborated on the 2009 research paper piggyBac is an effective tool for functional analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum genome. Based on the current Notre Dame page, Dr. Chauhan was working on microarray studies of dengue infections.

Now this is where the conspiracy theorist side of me and this blog comes into play, because Dr. Chauhan's suicide does not make sense when (1) she had a 3-year child; (2) she had a husband; (3) she was very intelligent; and (4) someone who's intelligent would not likely use cyanide as a suicide method due to its potential pain effects. Why would she use cyanide when she had access and knowledge as a doctor to any number of drugs with no pain effects? A production company would throw me off of the studio lot if I tried to solicit a screenplay with this cyanide "suiciding" cliche, so why would someone use this method in real life?

In the last few years, numerous microbiologists have died under strange and mysterious circumstances and I sense a connection to this latest suicide. The powers-that-be will eventually go for broke at some point in near future with a man-made pandemic that will allow the centralized governments to take full control of the respective countries through martial law and mandatory vaccinations. If there was a "fake" pandemic, a trained and experienced microbiologist is someone who could potentially verify the origin of said pandemic.

It is well-known that there has been a recent outbreak of dengue fever in the Caribbean. It is also documented that genetically modified mosquitoes have been used in Malaysia and the Cayman Islands to fight dengue fever. University of Arizona scientists have even created so-called "malaria-proof" mosquitoes.

If the technology exists to genetically modify mosquitoes to fight disease, the technology also exists to genetically modify mosquitoes to spread disease. Alleged eugenicist Bill Gates has stated that he has no problem killing nearly a billion people through various medical procedures and practices, and Mr. Gates has also released mosquitoes in a public forum to prove his point about allegedly fighting malaria in developing countries (click the picture below to watch the YouTube video of this event).

While there's no proof, it is not hard to envision a scenario where evil parties create genetically modified mosquitoes with the ability to transmit deadly, incurable pathogens. If so, will the next pandemic come from these GMO mosquitoes? And are microbiologists like Chitra Chauhan being "suicided" to remove them as potential critics and resources when TSHTF?

Source: St. Petersburg Times