Saturday, March 06, 2010

Weather Officials Will Bomb Clouds with Silver Iodide to Create Rain in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Chongqing & Sichuan China

This article is dedicated to anyone who doesn't believe that weather modification is real. Check the below link, because China is about to make it rain like a Fat Joe & Lil Wayne video with this upcoming exercise.

In an effort to create rain, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) said that weather bureaus in the affected regions are ready to "bomb clouds" with 2,116 doses of silver iodide, a compound used in cloud seeding, for which 2 million yuan ($294,000) has been allocated.

I wonder if Vegas is giving odds on the exercise's success. China has tried this type of thing in the past, and ended up blanketing Beijing with a lot of snow (see: China's Weather Modification Office Pilloried for Causing Heavy Snowfall in Beijing!).

Source: China Daily

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